Need of the hour - police sensitisation for POCSO
All police officers should be re-trained on various aspects of sexual offences particularly those related to collection and preservation of evidence.
Instructions may be issued to all police officers that utmost priority is to be given to complete the investigation of cases of sexual offences against children strictly as per the timelines of Law.
State Governments must take strict action against those police officers who are found to be obstructing the investigation or colluding with the perpetrators of such cases.
A quick and timely professional investigation is the only method in which a potential offender can be deterred but this can be done only by the states as the police department is the state subject. Forming a special cell only for sexual offences or specially for sexual offences on children, would be a significant step in this regard. more
THIS IS WHY , SOME ARE AGAINST DEATH SENTENCE AND HARSH PUNISHMENTS while in knowledge of exemptions of Consent, Adultery etc., Unlawful Sex .
The continued practice even mend many to incline . It is already a very high time. The Changing Culture since after 95 TV Era resulting in many ills in the Country since there is none in implementing or enforcing Law, Natural and Moral Justice . more
How can a 1 and 1/2 years Baby can be Raped ? There is some thing else .
Likely , the issues of 5 years and 8 years girls etc.,
ALL THESE SUCH PROVE ABSOLUTELY INTENTIONAL AND WITH A CHALLENGE and , not because of precipitated opportunity of situation .
The challenges to the Society and the Nation are to be solved in awakening as well as controlling with dedicated carry of Constitutional mandates within the ambit of objectives and concept and natural justice . more