"Reverse Charge under GST"

Yes true so you automatically tend to buy from vendors who have GST registered - you generally tend to help small people become gst registered - The smallest of people when effected(when they become gst compliant) are going to be our biggest and most valuable ally against petty corruption/harassment(once they become GST compliant) and the more knowledgeable better positioned traders and government should help people become GST compliant - It is not easy - but very tough because it is a massive change and I personally am most affected - but I do think it is the way to go in the long run for India - Some of us may even shut down in the process of integration complicated with massive corruption/inefficiency and its other ramifications but thats just "collateral damage" - not good but we have to go through it. Things (corruption/inefficiency) had come to a "limit of tolerance" under previous governments and it was becoming unsustainable. Its just that from governments side there should be better efficiency - better utilisation of money earned - reduced corruption - and when all these things start coming together - will we see the change and because we are a big country (Population) this can happen faster that one imagines if successful - lets be patient !

I am not for BJP - or Congress - just a small businessman struggling like all others and badly affected by this "moving environment" of continuous change first by Demon and then by GST. Continuous change is not good for any business (Stable environment is) - But to get there - I guess we all have to sacrifice even ourselves sometimes if it comes to that ! I personally feel that our PM is not a "finance guy" - but he knows only one thing - lets do what is good for whole of India in the long run first - then look at short run or then adjust some minor things for short run - He may not always be right in all things - but I believe if we give him eight years and then judge - then evaluate - I predict that it would be better than the direction we were going in by previous regimes ! Lets see - your analysis of "Reverse Charge under GST" is what is required by us all. Discussion will help us all go in the right direction !

Problem is that our PM would/should also take decisions of bitter pill with regard to government officials/systems/methods/corruption/harassment simultaneously ! more  

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Until and unless govt will not fix responsibilities on officers & babus, favorable result will not be seen. Also all the time only middle class is sacrificing. Smaller is not having and higher is not interested to sacrifice their comfort. more  
Hello www.send_newpost++iybbbbmqiylkfd++iyaeiybbtrmqfd@localcirclesmail.com, Due to High Workload, I am Currently Checking and responding to email twice a day at 12:00pm(IST) and 4:00pm(IST) If you require urgent assistance that cannot wait either 12:00pm or 4:00 pm,please contact me directly on my cell phone. Thank you for understanding this move to more efficiency and effectiveness.It helps me accomplish more to serve you better. Sincerely, Vijay Chaudhari. more  
Very well put more  
God Forbid - If the High and Mighty come back (Congress) - then what use they will put our collected money is a thought to be pondered upon. There is no question in my mind - that every time the congress got re-elected - the corruption quadrupled ! There will always be some corruption - but I shudder to think of the scale when or if the congress or its allies get elected!!! - Here at least there is an attempt being made to reduce corruption - be it by way of transparency through digitisation or letting the CBI and other agencies work as they should and bring both businessmen as well as past corrupt bureaucrats cases to a conclusion ! more  
If the sacrifice is for the sake of the Nation one will not mind but it is not very clear if the Nation will benefit from this exercise. That is the cause of worry. The middle is only making the sacrifices whereas the High and Mighty are making grandiose plans for the money generated from our sacrifices. Schemes are being rolled out to avoid taxes in thousands of crores of rupees and no one int he Government seems to realise this fact due to their ignorance (which is impossible) or are turning a blind eye on purpose or out of fear or due to instructions handed down albeit unofficially. more  
Beautifullut put Manojji! This is the little sacrifice we are doing for the good of the Nation. more  
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