Good move by FSSAI to go in effect Jan 1, 2018 and attached order. Pictoral warnings on liquor bottles good idea but efforts must be also put in place to ensure safety of local liquor. that is where there is crime, dirty nexus and broken families and deaths. more
All kinds of harmful addictive products like Liquors, Tobacco products, Pan Masala, Gutkha etc should be banned totally in India and no production or trade should be allowed. This will lead to a general better condition of health of masses and reduce the medical expenses of individuals and country as a whole. Yoga should be taken up by all NGOs in a big way, so that we can reduce unwanted medical conditions. more
Why does it require to wait for 5 months just for banning of stapler pins from tea bags? They could have simply ordered banning for all tea bags being packed after 31st July 2017. more
Removing staples from packages of food items is mere common sense and of utmost importance if one considers what will happen and if he afford if his own children /beloved ones consumes the food and even by accident. This should have been already done and why a law is required is ununderstable more
Truly staple is not required to be put when its function can be substituted nicely by a thread. Also the paper which is used for storing tea leaves should be of highest quality without shedding any fibers & higher absorption capacity. more
The necessities to add life to yeas in life – These simple yet profound words reflect the core of Ida Keeling’s philosophy for staying active and fit well into her 90s. Prioritize eatin...
Sugar in your blood is called diabetes. Sugar in your brain is called dementia. Sugar in your teeth is called cavities. Sugar in your liver is called fatty liver. Sugar on your ...
Heavy metals have been found on Lindt chocolates. My question is does FSSAI Indias food regulator test these products before they are approved for import? Whole country even i...
A new concern has arisen in and around our cities these days. In addition to the usual presence of cows, a different species—buffaloes, their bovine cousins—have begun to appear. While ...
Sincere congratulations localcircles and all members that the Govt yesterday told all ecommerce quick commerce to comply on the shelf life 30% requirment we discussed and deliberated in the circles...
Things which are fuelling cancers & still no body will tell you : Inactive life Sugar spikes High carbohydrate food pattern Fried food too frequently Late nig...
Restricting sugar exposure in the first two years of life can meaningfully reduce the risk of chronic diseases in adulthood. We need to rethink many cereals, snacks, and treats for child...
The vegetable oils marked in red are toxic traps. Ditch them now or face long-term inflammatory damage. If you like the post, do share with all your whatsapp groups
800 kg of fake tomato sauce was recently seized in Saharanpur! The illegal factory was using synthetic red colours and arrowroot powder to produce sauce with ZERO real tomatoes or natural ingredien...
By Teena Venkat
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