Let the Railway department open up their eyes. The Tatkal ticket booking is in the hands of the agents and rarely public are able to book a ticket. The cancellation charges is very heavy. New trains are being introduced with high fare basis and the public are paying more. The Ministry should adopt increase in fare in all classes, not only in Rajadhani, Shatabdi trains. There are number of seats going vacant, where the trains are with high fare mode.
------- Edited on 2019-05-21 -------
The Railway under the recent Ministers are doing well, but there should be improvement in some basic service.
(a) There should super fast Railways, with minimum stoppage and average speed of 100 per hr
(b) There should be Express trains, with stoppage at each 150 Kms or important stations, with average speed of 80 KM per hr
(c) There should be fast passengers, with stoppage at each 50 Km and average speed of 50 per hour
(d) All other passenger trains should run at average speed of 40 km per hour