Delhi Police 0 000
Delhi Police
2.33 / 5 87 Reviews
Delhi Police Headquarters, Delhi, India 100002
Police is proactive and responsive to Administrators, Politicians and Influentials. We need to wait for long years to change the system in our country for Sensible Services to the common people. No need to worry, Time is more powerful but in any case common people will always there to suffer.
The working of Delhi Police is always biased and based on harassing for extraction, hence they protect the culprits many times for favours and money. Delhi Police need to be trained for Delhi, leaving behind Haryana approach, as majority of Police recruits come from Haryana, but situation is bleak
Delhi Police is solely responsible in increasing crime in the city. Future is very bleak.
The law & order situation in my area is pretty good. Given the resources the police has, it does a decent job in my view for a city of this size.
Anti-social elements don't fear Delhi Police. Morning news paper is full of crimes in Delhi.

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