Delhi Police 0 000
Delhi Police
2.33 / 5 87 Reviews
Delhi Police Headquarters, Delhi, India 100002
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Best experienced for sitting over complaints and finally dumped as the complainant gets frustrated / tired of reminding concerned personnel and even CP after CP do not get any response to all such mechanically forwarded through JtCP-Range to DCP-District to ACP-circle and then to SHO-PS who routinely allots the matter to any one or the most experienced for "how to ignore such CP forwarded complaints" ??
A contrarian, but fair-minded, assessment. Given the impossible complexities of the law & order requirements in Delhi, teeming with VVIPs and the largest vehicular population in the country, not to mention the popular mentality that drives people in mindless road-rage at the drop of a hat, in the face of which all the police are haplessly striving to manage affairs with their woefully inadequate numbers, I believe Delhi Police deserve acknowledgement and unqualified kudos. Those who criticise Delhi police are mostly those who do nothing as responsible citizens to aid the law & order maintenance, but rather add to the problems. Also, they seem unaware of how much worse it is in most other states especially in the northern states and Hindi-speaking belt, especially in their behaviour with the public. Charity - in this case discipline and responsibility - begins at home. I for one salute Delhi Police for doing an impossible task to the best possible.
Need a lot of inprovement

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