Indian Railways 0 000
After Mr.Suresh Prabhu took over the reigns, the state of Indian railway platform has become fantastic. Earlier we used to see/get dirty things(and even dirty smell of toilet(i.e., urine smell)) on the platforms/walkovers. Now, there are cleaners standing alert in these areas and maintaining it pretty clean. I observed this especially in Bangalore and Mantralaya railway stations. Also there are many services like 'destination station alert' and dedicated telephone numbers for different services etc.,

Kudos to Mr. Suresh Prabhu and his team for the great work which was not observed for many years earlier. This is the best example to highlight that 'IF ONE WANTS TO DO THE WORK/SERVICE, HE/SHE CAN DO IT AT ANY COST IRRESPECTIVE OF THE SIZE OF THE ORGANIZATION'.
3.57 / 5 7 Reviews
In general neatness at railway stations have improved. I would like to share rather an unfriendly experience at AKIVIDU railway station.

An elderly person got down from train, person is suffering from Alzhiemers (memory loss).
He does not know his name, village, where to go etc...
I fed elderly person and helped the person to reach station master's office.

I requested three different railway authorities to send a message to the nearby stations so that concerned may take mission person home. I asked what can be done to help the elderly person.

There was absolutely no traffic and the railway authorities were chit chatting. It is a small station with less traffic. Attitude of railway authorities was shocking. Reply was "These kind of people come, several people will be there. we are not responsible".

What I would like to know is?

1. In these circumstances, what is the responsibility of railway authorities?
2. What needs to be done so that missing persons cases can be minimized?
3. Shouldn't railway police be responsible for these?

------- Edited on 2016-06-28 -------

attitude of Akividu railway station authorities should be rated less than one star.
Akividu (AKVD) is near to Bhimavaram (BVRM) and Gudivada (GDV) railway stations.
FANTASTIC JOB. Kudos to Mr. Suresh Prabhu and his team for the great work and continuing in maintaining it.

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