Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Limited - Bangalore

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Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Limited - Bangalore
2.55 / 5 44 Reviews
Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Limited, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
we see very frequent power failures in bangalore nallurahalli area. The power failures does not depend on climate changes (Rain). Anyday any time power can go and come. Its pathetic in this area.
KEB People are Highly Greedy for Ransom, they will stoop to any Level for the Sake of Money & are also Ready to Cut down Fully grown trees for 50 rupees, 100 rupees etc. I really Wonder why we have these Moron Government Forest Department's Useless guys - They won't even budge to Save Trees whenever KEB cuts them down regularly. Overall Waste of Government & Governance, there is No Justice System in India itself.
Very high prices for very poor quality (Voltage fluctuations from 146 in day time to 456 at night and frequent outages)

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