MTNL - Mumbai 0 000
MTNL - Mumbai
1.50 / 5 6 Reviews
MTNL Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
We had a telephone connection in our Company name. We sold of all the shares of the company and now it has been taken over by a new company. We want to surrender the telephone, we are not using it at all, but the bill keeps coming and MTNL insists that we should pay the bill. The surrender papers must be signed by the new directors. How can we approach the new owners to sign documents for such a petty matter. The AGM should understand and accept our surrender letter.
MTNL is pathetic. Due to rains and old archaic cables, the engineers expressed that nothing could be done to set right the internet connection - -unless cables are changed. Furthermore, the gangmen too were difficult to handle - unionised category.
Finally, I had to disconnect the MTNL internet and buy the one with our TV cable system.
Now, am atleast getting connectivity though speed is inadequate and it gets disconnected quite often as is seen when we ping.

Mumbai being a super metro , we do not get even an average internet connection !!

Govt should bring in more competition so rates too are reasonable and service appreciable

------- Edited on 2017-03-31 -------

I must add here that due to poor service and no improvement even after 3 to 4 visits, we had to disconnect internet given to senior superintendent as per system.
Regretfully, they disconnected my land line ( tel no 26835260) too along with internet connection.
What a mess MTNL is !!
They are fit for tagline.... my MTNL broadband internet connection works slower than 2G mobile data.


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