Railway Coaches and wagons

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If GOI has any will power, they should take initiative to eradicate all the rats from all railway compartments and wagons. Food corporation of India getting more and more rats from wagons. RATS are eating and spoiling more that 50% food stocked in FCI go downs as well as carried in Railway wagon. Railway works as the nursery for supplying rats to FCI. Please innovate and find out methodology for getting rid of rats from FCI, Wagons and Passenger compartments
2.02 / 5 43 Reviews
Kalyan Nagar
#213 10th A Main HRBR L/O Kalyan Nagar Banaswadi
Train No. 11014, Lokmanya Tilak was late by over 1 hour from the starting station, Coimbatore on the 26th Feb. This is very frustrating.
The sleeper bogies had dirt (food and other wastes between the seat spaces. Proper cleaning needs to be done prior to the departure.

------- Edited on 2019-03-12 -------

Tiruppur and other Railway Stations need signboards such as LED as the present ones are not visible in the dark especially from the AC coaches.
It is really true that 30 % of our Agricultural Produce is eaten pests like rodents and allowed to rot in rains . Something has to be done at least from the transportation of food grains . Very often we see the food grains downloaded near the yard st the mercy of Natural elements as well as pests. Railways has to take an actice part in the transportation of Grains.
Then we can go for the srirage aspect .
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Cleaning services of Jaipur-Bombay Duronto train no 12240 found not satisfactory
Cleaning services of Platform no. 4 of Jaipur Railway Station was not found satisfactory on 27.06.17

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