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Trains have to be designed for maximum comfort with minimum maintenance required so that the service shall remain good thru the life of the train coach .Modt of the coaches be designed got Aircindutioning they Solar as well as captive power usages and the stoppages be staggered between trains to maximum the run of about 2 hours at a stretch .this can also distiributecthe passengers better and trains would be loaded better .
3.25 / 5 24 Reviews
Block A
New Delhi
Block A, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi, Delhi 110017, India
Rotten old systems and mentality are prevalent. Yet to be friendly to passengers who pay for the services. Does not recognise the value of paying passengers when compared to RESERVED CATEGORY passengers. I would never use the services as long feasible for me. I have rejected Indian Railways from my list being wasteful and it adds all negatives to CLEAN INDIA.
Railway has definitely improved so the cleanliness. Lower birth for senior citizen , Coolie menace , escalator service need to be spread in different location , car parking at Rly Stn , Taxi & Auto service are under mafia control.
Just a starting but what we expected from a new government is not fulfilled yet. I don't see much improvement even announcements made by previous govt are still pending.
Much improvement is found in railways during 3 yrs period. People travelling are required to be learn more . Platform and staircase should be on same level

------- Edited on 2017-05-15 -------

It will be praise worthy to have such coaches . As regards stopages with maximum run of two hrs , I think I suggest first we may try this in trains running in NCR and other places , like Baroda to Ahemdabad , Baroda to Surat or in Mumbai where office goer travel in trains
not providing jobs it tends to privatisation.

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