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Trains have to be designed for maximum comfort with minimum maintenance required so that the service shall remain good thru the life of the train coach .Modt of the coaches be designed got Aircindutioning they Solar as well as captive power usages and the stoppages be staggered between trains to maximum the run of about 2 hours at a stretch .this can also distiributecthe passengers better and trains would be loaded better .
3.25 / 5 24 Reviews
Block A
New Delhi
Block A, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi, Delhi 110017, India
By and large Railways have been doing well. Punctuality of passenger trains remains an area of concern. Statistics do not satisfy. Differential fares are not fair to the extent of variation charged, the bands must be narrowed. Cancellation charges are steep and do not make sense when there ar wait lists and Rly does not lose. This can not be a revenue measure for which fare may be adjusted by increase. Must regain cargo lost to road and dependence on coal traffic should be reduced.
of course, Railway department of India improving their services better than previous government. But We should improve our technology of signal systems (to stop delayed trains & accidents), reservation system (to stop brokers) & quality of foods.
Keep up the good work.

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