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Trains have to be designed for maximum comfort with minimum maintenance required so that the service shall remain good thru the life of the train coach .Modt of the coaches be designed got Aircindutioning they Solar as well as captive power usages and the stoppages be staggered between trains to maximum the run of about 2 hours at a stretch .this can also distiributecthe passengers better and trains would be loaded better .
3.25 / 5 24 Reviews
Block A
New Delhi
Block A, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi, Delhi 110017, India
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Tea without sugar should be catered in all the bogies in all the trains with Pantry Car.
Cow milk for kids should be catered in all the bogies in all the trains with Pantry Car.
idea of making railway coach and station on solar energy based is really good. By this general coaches can also be converted in AC coach. Good facility on minimum cost is reflection of best utilization of resources. making railways profitable by increasing fare is only taking advantage of transportation. and the cost public is paying by getting delayed, wasting time on station and train by no reason in delay of train??

------- Edited on 2018-11-09 -------

Indian Railway being the one of world highest commuters mode of transports need so many improvement towards passenger safety, security, comfort and easy travel.. it is a huge source of income for Govt.bodies so it should be same, not illegal financial benefits of individual or departments.

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