Had bought Haier Air condition and the technicians who came to instal was pretty rude and they were 3 sets of technicians came and all are like that. Haier is pretty good but you have to take care of installation part.. I am really annoyed with their technicians. Pls teach them how to interact with the customers and also they have to listen to us and do a proper job rather then just instal....after charging 1200-1400 for one visit.....pathetic... more  

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..................................... Kanaklata would like to stay in touch on LinkedIn. Kanaklata Mishra Gynaecologist at Govt. of India Sirohi Area, India View profile https://www.linkedin.com/comm/in/kanaklata-mishra-a8023b71?trk=eml-guest-invite-pprofile-link-cta&trkEmail=eml-invite_guest-null-418-null-null-uhjl7p%7Ejfqt52el%7Ecw-null-neptune%2Fprofile%7Evanity%2Eview&lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Aemail_invite_guest%3B5JVNKI0DRqKHqXGjmCFoBw%3D%3D Confirm that you know Kanaklata https://www.linkedin.com/comm/start/accept-invitation?sharedKey=yVTMBFsL&invitationId=6299536747290292263&trk=eml-guest-invite-cta&trkEmail=eml-invite_guest-null-416-null-null-uhjl7p%7Ejfqt52el%7Ecw-ssuw-start%7Esignup%7Ewarm&lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Aemail_invite_guest%3B5JVNKI0DRqKHqXGjmCFoBw%3D%3D ..................................... Unsubscribe: https://www.linkedin.com/e/v2?e=uhjl7p-jfqt52el-cw&t=lun&midToken=AQFmrFVhGEd36Q&ek=invite_guest&li=426&m=unsub&ts=unsub&loid=AQGg7BBax0oicgAAAWKlUDbslvQvXjH5L-jlglKOMabBDAbkOEOtFnoiu6ZZ_dIv3YyPMnk6Of1ybdKpzIg6H7lnJfrQJ1CeTbmtr0NERfdn5ZXhmsSqvj-iBasxJ5asEgGO4kJw3MLioN7d1SyH2HAe8VhUyIUV9hya&eid=uhjl7p-jfqt52el-cw Help: https://www.linkedin.com/e/v2?e=uhjl7p-jfqt52el-cw&lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Aemail_invite_guest%3B5JVNKI0DRqKHqXGjmCFoBw%3D%3D&a=customerServiceUrl&ek=invite_guest&li=425&m=footer&ts=help&articleId=67 You are receiving Invitation emails. LinkedIn will use your email address to make suggestions to our members in features like People You May Know. This email was sent to www.send_newpost++iyqsaelkaevvfd++mqqsgxvvmqbb@localcirclesmail.com. © 2018 LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company, Wilton Plaza, Wilton Place, Dublin 2. LinkedIn is a registered business name of LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company. LinkedIn and the LinkedIn logo are registered trademarks of LinkedIn. more  
They are terrible.I bought a 15litre horizontal Haier geyser over 2 years ago from a dealer.As soon as I had bought it,it started giving problems-not heating properly.I started writing to them over a year ago after a year of trying to contact their customer care,which would either not pick up or promise on the odd occasion,a visit which would never materialise.Thgere was no response to my emails.I finally recently contacted the dealer who was able to arrange a visit immediately.I don't hold the dealer at fault because I think it is the company which is responsible for after sales service,not the dealer.In my case,the dealer is a helpful chap.I am within warranty and asking for a replacement.Based on my 2-year long complaint history,I was eligible for replacement long ago,which is in the terms and conditions. After dragging their feet for so long,all they want to do is repair it-which may lead to the product working till the end of warranty.It is not their prerogative.When the terms give us the right to seek replacement,that must be honoured. more  
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The company should take corrective action. more  
Now a days a consumer is left high and dry even after supply. the shops are not responsible for service or warranty. The consumer has to directly contact service centers for repairs or maintenence even during warranty period. There are loopholes in the warranty and most of the times the consumer has to pay for certain parts . The consumer redresal courts take two to three years and many a times the harased consumer leaves the case. The courts get caught in the web of loopholes of procedures and the lawyers of companies drag the case till the consumer gets tired and leaves the case in between. I have myself witnessed in my own case vs Motorola . The company wants to charge me for the defect in the mobile set during warranty period on the plea that the part is not covered , although the mobile set remains covered . What a travesty ? The MNCs are dumping products made in china and giving limited warranty. Jai Ho Make In India. But warranty , if any, should not be limited. JAGO GRAHAK JAGO should fight for correcting the limited warranty issues. P.K.Sachdeva 9811122320 more  
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