Addressing Littering - Addl Inputs

Below are your key inputs on how a system can be implemented that discourages citizens from littering at public places. Kindly review and share any additional inputs you may have.

Swachh Bharat Mission

Addressing Littering in India

1. A fine of Rs.200 should be imposed on littering
2. Flying squads should be put together which are led by municipality officials and supported by local area volunteers from community/NGOs
3. Spots should be identified within the city and flying squads should be authorized to penalize the offenders
4. The flying squad lead should be given GPS enabled handheld for collecting fines, just like the traffic police
5. These penalties should be linked with the Adhaar/Driving License/Voter Identification Number etc. of the person
6. The squad should be paid 1-5% of the collected fine as incentive and travel reimbursement
7. The fine amount should increase to Rs.500 for repeat offenders
8. Repeat offenders should be asked to go for community service
9. RWAs could be given the authority to fine residents and vendors who litter in the colony
10. The collections done by the RWAs should be submitted with the authorities on a monthly basis
11. If a person is caught putting pan/tobacco stains on market walls etc., the flying squad should also have the authority to ask them to clean. more  

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Suggestions on preventing such incidences: 1. Use of police force assisted by police dogs in crowded locations. 2. Used of CCTV at most likely places. 3. Use of police force in civil dress for trapping by surprise. 4. Arrangement to trace and penalize the vehicles involved. 5. Fine by bus conductor on involved passengers and handing over to police. 6. Carrying of photo id mandatory for all citizens, which will help for penalizing. 7. Simple reporting or FIR facility by empowering common citizen for helping in reporting. more  
The Govt may assign the funds being spent to the RWA's as being spent on employees appointed and not doing their jobs or they report to the RWA's. I am sure enough number of persons appointed to do the jobs. more  
shuruaat khud se karni hogi tabhi baat banegi more  
Charity begins at home. All resident welfare associations to take charge of their area - get to know the corporator, the karmacharis of corporation that sweep and clean their area and garbage collectors. Make voluntary teams to monitor cleanliness of area and to ensure area is kept clean. Raise awareness of residents on cleanliness and littering. Pressurize local MLA/ MP to provide MPLAD funds to purchase adequate dustbins, repair footpaths, clean drains, establish garbage segregation units and wet garbage mulching stations. Establish adequate paid public toilets in the area and maintain them through contractors. Have CCTV cameras at every corner and at every business establishment to improve compliance as well as security. Convince businesses in the area to have toilets for their staff and for customers and to keep these clean and well maintained. Try and get some green going in the area such as sidewalks, parks etc. Plant trees and plants where possible in the area to make environs cool and capable of taking up carbon dioxide excess and to generate oxygen. Have regular awareness campaign drives in the locality to reduce non compliance over time. Unless the problem is broken into smaller geographical bits that can be adequately addressed the situation will not become manageable. more  
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