Beer and its effects
2.Drinking too much is harmful for your kidneys, but moderate consumption of beer has been shown to reduce the likelihood of developing kidney stones - they develop when there's too much calcium in your body. Hops, which are used to make beer, have been shown to assist with releasing calcium from the bones.
3. Although it may seem far-fetched, a 12 oz. beer has up to a gram of fiber in it, as well as plenty of B vitamins such as B6, B12, niacin and riboflavin. Beer is also rich in silicon, which is a nutrient that helps with strengthening bones.
4. In 2011, Harvard University concluded a study involving 38,000 middle-aged men. Participants who drank two beers a day were shown to have a 25% lower risk of contracting Type II diabetes than those who did not. This statistic does not apply in the context of excessive drinking.
5. There's reason to believe this after a Portuguese study found that marinating meat in beer eliminated almost 70% of all of its carcinogens. What's for certain is that beer contains plenty of antioxidants, which help your body cleanse itself of toxins.
6. The latest research in this area, conducted at China's Langzhou University in 2015, has indicated that having a couple of beers each day contributes toward staving off Alzheimer's Disease and dementia, as well as lowering the risk of having a stroke. In addition, a study carried out on 11,000 women in 2005 found that those who drank one beer a day exhibited better mental function than those that didn't. Their risk of mental decline was also found to be reduced by 20%.
7. A 2012 study conducted at Tokushima University in Japan found that the prenylated flavonoid contained in hops (a flower primarily used as a flavoring and stabilizing agent in beer), called 8-prenylnarigenin, inhibited muscle atrophy in laboratory mice. When they were given feed containing the flavonoid, they were found to retain more muscle mass than those that were fed a normal diet.
Again, this one isn't an excuse to get completely intoxicated! Stick within the 12 oz. daily recommended limit if you're a woman, or the 24 oz. daily recommended limit if you're a man - it'll help keep stress levels down and reduce any anxiety you might be feeling. Enjoy responsibly! more