Comprehensive Dengue Guide

1. When do the dengue causing mosquitoes bite – day or night? How to identify them?

Although mosquitoes causing dengue (Aedes Aegypti mosquito) are known to bite primarily during the day, they can bite during the night as well. You can easily recognise these mosquitoes based on the characteristic stripes on their body.

2. Where do these mosquitoes breed?
These mosquitoes can breed in clean water (unlike those causing malaria). So right from water logging sites, unused tires, water tanks to trays of potted plants, they can breed anywhere and everywhere in your locality. Also, the warm humid climate and dark and warm places in your house are known to be ideal breeding grounds for these mosquitoes.

3. How does dengue spread?
Dengue, a viral disease, spreads when an Aedes Aegypti mosquito infected with the dengue virus bites a healthy individual. This causes the virus to enter the bloodstream and multiply, leading to dengue fever.

4. Who is at risk of dengue?
You might be at a high risk of suffering from dengue if you live in a dengue-prone area or have already suffered from dengue. Also, people who have low immunity, like kids and old people and those suffering from lifestyle conditions like heart disease or diabetes are more prone.

5. Can I get dengue from a person suffering from the disease?
Dengue is not a contagious disease; i.e. it doesn’t spread from one person to other through physical contact. It only spreads when a mosquito infected with the dengue virus bites a person.

6. When do the symptoms of dengue start to appear?
Once the virus infected mosquito bites, it usually takes around 4 – 10 days for the symptoms to appear.

7. What are the symptoms of dengue?
Dengue is characterised by high fever (103°F-104°F) followed by severe headache, pain behind the eyes, muscle and joint pain and skin rash. In some cases, fatigue, diarrhoea and vomiting are also reported.

8. How to differentiate between viral fever and dengue fever?
In case of viral fever, you experience high fever coupled with chills and (in some cases headache). However, people suffering from dengue report severe headache, pain behind the eyes, weakness, skin rash and/or severe joint pain along with high fever.

9. Can dengue be diagnosed at home (without a blood test)?
You can diagnose dengue at home based on the symptoms but to confirm it, you need a blood test. Hence, you can’t confirm the viral disease unless it is backed by a blood test.

10. How to get tested for dengue?
Dengue can be diagnosed with the help of a blood test – complete blood count (CBC) and an antigen/antibody test for dengue. The CBC test tells you about platelet and haemoglobin count whereas NS1 antigen and antibody test for IgM and IgG confirms dengue infection.

11. Does low platelet count always indicate dengue?
Low platelet count is one of the key symptoms of dengue but it doesn’t always indicate dengue. It has to be supplemented with a dengue antigen or antibody test to confirm the disease. Clinically known as thrombocytopenia, low platelet count can occur in case of viral fever as well.

12. Is it necessary to get tested for dengue only when you have high fever?
Although it is good to get tested for dengue when you have a high fever, it is not always necessary to get it done when you have fever (unlike malaria). The reports do not indicate false negative results when done when you don’t have fever.

13. Can a person suffer from dengue and not appear weak?
Yes, it is possible that a person might suffer from dengue but do not show any signs or symptoms of the same. Hence, it is not a bad idea to get tested for dengue if your doctor recommends the same.

14. Do I need to undergo antibody test for dengue even if my NS1 antigen test is negative?
The NS1 Antigen test might show negative results in the initial stages of the disease and thus, needs to be repeated to get confirmatory results. Whereas, antibody test (IgG and IgM) can be recommended during the later course of the disease (after 5 days of suffering from fever) and gives accurate results in most cases.

15. How many days after getting tested for dengue, will I get the blood reports?
You can get CBC and NS1 Antigen test within 4 – 5 hours after your blood is done, whereas antibody test for dengue can be obtained after 2 – 3 days.

16. If a person has low platelet count and high haemoglobin count, does he/she need to worry?
Yes, if a person has low platelet count coupled with high haemoglobin levels, he/she should be admitted. This is because, people suffering from dengue limit their intake of water than in turn causes the blood tissue to dry leading to high PCV (packed cell volume) and high haemoglobin. Here’s everything you need to know about high haemoglobin count in dengue patients indicate medical emergency.

17. Can dengue be treated at home?
There is no need to admit a person unless he/she appears weak, has very low platelet count (or platelet count drops at a very fast pace) coupled with high haemoglobin levels. However, make sure to consult the doctor from time to time and undergo a blood test daily to keep a tab on platelet count. And most important thing, people suffering from dengue should stay hydrated, take sufficient rest and consult a doctor from time to time without fail.

18. How is dengue treated?
There is no specific treatment for dengue. The treatment options are aimed at improving the platelet count and treating the infection. The main aim of the treatment is to maintain the fluid balance in the body through IV fluids.

19. I suffered from dengue earlier; can I get it again?
Yes, you can get dengue the next time even if you were infected before. There are four different strains of dengue virus. If you have been infected with one strain earlier, then the chances of the infection by another one is also high.

20. What will happen if I suffer from dengue the second time?
If the infection is from the same strain of the dengue virus that caused an infection earlier, your body can fight the infection as your body now has antibodies against the virus. However, if the infection is due to another strain of the virus, there is a high risk of severe health complications the second time you are infected.

21. When should a person get admitted or hospitalised?
If a person has fever for more than 3 days, has a rapid drop in the blood platelet count since a day or two and shows a high haemoglobin level, it means that the person needs urgent medical attention. Also, if the person becomes lethargic or suffers from a severe body pain, it is wise to consult a doctor before admitting him/her to a hospital.

22. How long should a person suffering from dengue take medications?
It is important to complete the course of the medications as advised by your doctor. If you stop taking medications midway, there are high chances that the viral infection might revert back.

23. Does low platelet count mean I need to undergo platelet transfusion?
A low platelet count does not always indicate platelet transfusion. However, if your blood platelet count is lesser than 40,000, the person is not responding well to the treatment or there is bleeding, then doctors might go for platelet transfusion.

24. What are the possible complications of dengue?
If left untreated or not treated on time, dengue might lead to severe abdominal pain, myalgia, nausea, severe headache, fluid accumulation in the chest and liver and haemorrhages.

25. Can a person die from dengue?
A person suffering from dengue fever is less likely to die but he/she can develop dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) or dengue shock syndrome (DSS). If both these cases are not treated on time, there are high chances that the person might die.

26. Is there any vaccine available to prevent dengue?
As of now, there is no vaccine available for prevention against dengue. However, clinical trials are still going on in this regard. If reports are to be believed, Brazil has said that the dengue vaccine will be available by 2018.

27. Are papaya leaves effective against dengue?
Dr Sanath Hettige, a general physician in Sri Lanka, in his paper published in the Sri Lankan Journal of Family Physicians in 2008 stated that papaya leaves contain chymopapin and papain, enzymes, which not only normalise platelet count but also repair the damage done to the liver by dengue.

28. Are there any other ayurvedic remedies to treat dengue?
There are many rumours making rounds in the market that eating exotic fruits like kiwi and dragon fruit improve your platelet count. Also, consuming juice made from aloe vera, pomegranate or giloy leaves and goat milk improves your immunity and thus, helps in treating dengue doesn’t have any substantial evidence.

29. Is there any special diet for people suffering from dengue?
People suffering from dengue should increase their intake of liquids, either in form of plain water, coconut water or fruit juices. Avoid spicy and oily foods till you recover completely. Include foods rich in vitamin C and proteins in your diet

30. After how many days, can a person suffering from dengue get back to their routine life?
In most cases, people might experience weakness for some days even after the fever subsides. So depending upon a person’s energy levels, one can get back to work.

31. How to prevent dengue?
The key to prevent dengue is to keep your house mosquito free. Cover water containers, use mosquito repellents creams and nets and keep the dustbins and garbage cans covered. Here are innovative ways to keep your home mosquito free.
32. Are there any natural remedies to keep your home mosquito-free?
Yes, there are few natural remedies you can try to keep your house mosquito-free. This includes using neem oil, camphor, tulsi, garlic, lemon and eucalyptus and citronella. Here’s how you can use them to prevent mosquitoes from entering your home. more  

I appreciate the reply of MM Ali Khan. Thanks Khan Sahib. Such comments help me going in my work in spite of my age at 81. Dr G L Moondra On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 4:03 AM, MM Ali Khan (Senior Citizen) <> wrote: > more  
Read these tips and improve immunity so that you do not fall with dengue or nay other fever. THE NEWS: 1) Be Prepared. Make up your mind. The Festival of Health, Swasthya Parv, the autumn Navaratry, is coming after a longer gap of almost seven months. It is starting from 13th October this year. 2) If you remember, this festival was made world famous by the PM of India almost thirteen months ago, when he was hosted for a dinner by Obamas at White House. It was made a historic event when a head of a state dined with another head of a state just on a glass of water. 3) Everybody will agree that Narendra Modi is an exceptionally hard working person. He was on an important mission, in which tremendously important decisions were taken. It was an event where his personal capacity to do hard work and taking important decisions was being watched by the entire world. And where from he came out with flying colours. If he can do it why can’t others? 4) Those who are watchful must have observed that during those days his face started looking thinner, He must have lost 4-5 Kgs, which was undoubtedly healthy for him. 5) This News Letter has been urging upon its readers to observe Navaratry the same way. But the beginners were advised to use fruits/fruits juices etc instead of only water. That was like primary school. Time has come to move to High School and then to Graduation. 6) The modern Medical science is still wondering how a person can survive without food for so many days, but The Naturopathy has proved the tremendous benefits of fasting over and over, again and again. 7) Ayurveda also recommended fasting as a treatment telling, “Langhnam Parmoushdham” (Fasting is the ultimate medicine). It has also says that, during a fast the body eats its own ailments. 8) This News Letter carries revised Navaratry health tips for the benefit of its readers. HEALTH TIPS: Observe Navaratry as suggested below NAVRATRI HEALTH TIPS: DIET DURING NAVARATRY: Depending upon the personal body constitution the procedure is divided in 4 Sections as follows: A. Obese and Non Diabetic: Just stop all foods and start on plain Water or Lime water or Coconut water. Use a mix of these for first seven days. Change to Fresh Fruit Juice or sugarless Juice, for two remaining days. On the tenth day take a light meal and then gradually come back to normal food in 2-3 days time. (Expected Weight Loss, 4-5 Kgs) B. Obese and Diabetic: Stop all food. Start on Fresh or Sugarless Fruit Juice, preferably citrus, for all nine days. Divide the fruit juice in 4-5 equal parts. Take a light meal on tenth day. Come to normal food in 2-3 days time. (Expected Weight Loss, 3-4 kgs) C. Normal constitution: Stop all normal food. For first three days take nothing but water, lemon water or coconut water. From the fourth day onwards start on Fresh or Sugarless Fruit Juice. Take a light meal on tenth day. Come to normal food in 2-3 days time. (Expected Weight loss, 2-3 Kgs) D. Under weight and first timers: Stop Normal Food. Start on 4 to 5 Medium Bananas and one liter of pasteurized cow milk. Divide this food in three or four parts. Continue for nine days. Take a light meal on tenth day. Come to normal food in 2-3 days time. (Expected weight Loss, Nil) Other parts of the Therapy, (For all four sections): 1) Take fresh water Enema every day. (Arrangement available at the Charming Yoga Center). Alternatively, buy the kit from the center and take enema at home- Training is provided free. For those who cannot take enema, take a big cup of Spinach soup every day. Though it is less effective, is the best alternative. 2) Under no circumstances, consume any fried food, or spicy food. 3) Do not use any so called Phalahri foods prepared from Kattu, Singhara/Rajgira Atta, Saboodana etc. Do not eat sweets made from milk or above mentioned attas. 4) Drink lots of water. Total fluid intake should be about 3-4 liters per day. 5) Do not stop your Normal Exercises or other Physical activities. Those who devote long hours on Pujas etc., and cannot do exercise, should add 40 minutes of walking every day. 6) Those who chant sacred texts like Chandi Path or Durga Shapt Shati etc., some times feel drowsy during the chanting. They may, therefore, do their chanting with walking. This will help chanting without any bout of drowsyness. As a bonus, they will be bestowed with a healthy body. These steps will definitely improve the immunity levels. And better immunity will help everyone remain healthy and active. Maa Durga will surely bestow good health upon all the readers who follow this advice. CAUTION: 1) The poor Monsoon this year has came to an early end. The warm and sunny days of autumn have started from the first week of September itself. This weather is extremely congenial for breeding of Mosquito. 2) The dengue has attacked Delhi like wild fire. Thousands are attacked. Scores have died. Many other parts of the country are also in the same boat. Since this warm spell is likely to continue till beginning of November experts fear that the peak of dengue is still to come. Other seasonal fevers are also likely to attack Delhi and other parts of the country during this period of time. The situation is simply alarming. The Navaratry procedure prescribed above has given enough immunity against these fevers to those, who have observed Navaratry as suggested by this News Letter. 3) This year Dengue is not responding to normal treatment. It is reported that this new strain is still unidentified. 4) Be very careful to protect yourself. Wear full sleeve clothing, keep your surroundings free from stagnant water, and use nets in nights. 5) Keep your immunity levels high by following Navaratry and Sehatvar concepts, already published in the NL. DIET: 1) The winter fruits are still away. Winter vegetables have also not started yet, 2) As usual this is lean time for fruits and vegetables. 3) However good quality Papaya has started. Melons and water melons are also available. Grapes will also start soon. Enjoy whatever is available. MONTH’S RECEPIE: Sweet and sour salad: Ingredients: Apple (peeled and cored) 100gms, raisins 25gms, carrots 25gms, cream 20gms, salt and lemon to taste. Method: Chop the apple in small pieces, grate carrot, mix both with raisins, salt and lemon juice. Raisins can be substituted by figs or dates. Serves: One or two. ADOPT NATUROPATHY FOR PERPETUAL GOOD HEALTH Editor : Dr G L Moondra. Group : Email Mob +91 9990214792 245, Sukhdev Vihar, New Delhi 110025 more  
Information is useful , at least there is lot of doubts about symptoms .second testing as CBC and antibody test a viable and reqiste information for aam admi. As always there of lot of confusions for about disease now at least we get relevant information. We would request to writer/doctor to give brief idea of hospital/nursing home in ncr (no idea, gurgaon) which take care of dengue with reasonable cost etc more  
Dear Ms Vijaya.. it would be more practical if we stayed away and protected ourselves from all Kinds of Mosquitoes every time round the clock..Why A Particular one. ? more  
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