Consumer Affairs and Misleading Ads

Can someone from the department please advise if any action was taken against a ton of covid related ads that were given to them.

I am reattaching them for everyones reference. They are from different post in circles only.

If not, please share whats the plan ? Will you ever act? more  

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Yes, educated citizens would help, or we continue being exploited. Not indoctrination, e.g promoting a particular orthodoxy, but edication that frees us to question, is needed. Unquestioning acceptance of certain products while questioning the ads, addressed may be through education. वही दृढ़ता से पूछें की इस दवा से कितने लोग स्वस्थ्य हुए हैं। more  
As we came to know, Coronil has completed all the requirements to qualify for approval. Forget coronil, but you need to accept the major reason behind saving India from a bigger disaster due to Corona was the home remedies people used. The reason behind big number of people with Antibodies but no Corona illness was these home remedies. No doubt there is a big rich & powerful lobby against all type of alternate medicine but no one can hide the truth that Ayurveda Unnani & Homeopathy are very old and powerful therapies, used & tested for thousands of years. These therapies are accepted all over the world. So we can't just ignore them. Rest this Zodiac Shirt if say so, there may be some reason behind it. Before calling them fraud, is it not better to ask them to explain. No one have right to just give verdict without asking other party to justify his claim. more  
Yes. Eyewash, otherwise some follow up action would be there. Coronil tablets sold so fast that the tablet stocks in certain pharmacies and Patanjali sales outlets around Delhi, were exhausted. Demand exceeded supply. Panic led purchases, only explanation. Convenient for government in allowing this status quo. Meanwhile we all see Covid cases rise. Citizens' call, that citizens took. Government may always say they issued a notice was issued. Remember caveat emptor. What gives? more  
The kind of leaders that are elected tells us a lot about educational levels of citizens. So if they get fooled by such ads then who's to blame??? more  
No comment on Ramdev's Coronil, when his product entirely commercial, like the shirt, and promotional claims even controversial? Not even the promoter has confidence calling the medicine a cure. Cannot be selective in singling out just the mattress, or the shirt manufacturer, while agreeing with purported drug manufacturer. more  
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