Sugar - Why we should limit to 5 spoons a day
Taking sugar may give you an immediate rush, but it will be followed by a crash in no time forcing you to consume more sugar. One of the biggest benefits of staying away from sugar is an end to this emotional roller coaster and thus an improved mental health. A Columbia University study found that people who eat a diet high in added sugars and refined grains are more likely to experience anxiety, irritability, and mood swings. So staying away from sugar will only bring more sunshine to your life.
2. You will get better sleep
Princeton psychologist Bart Hoebel was one of them men who pioneered research that demonstrated how addictive that sugar can be. His research was focused on the effects of sugar on the brain chemistry of rats and found that they exhibited effects similar to drugs of abuse such as heroin, cocaine, morphine and nicotine.
Excess sugar in your food triggers the release a hormone called cortisol. Cortisol is generally considered a stress hormone and it will interfere with your sleep. Giving up extra sugar will make you more awake and alert during the daytime and provides a better sleep at night.
3. Your Memory Improves
There are many health organizations that are currently calling to consider sugar along with tobacco and other addictive substance because of its harmful effect on health. One of the major effects of continued usage of any addictive substance is diminished learning ability and memory loss. Studies done by UCLA on animals conclude that a diet high in added sugar hinders learning and memory. Over time, eating lots of sugar may actually damage communication among your brain's cells, the study shows.
4. You can prevent diabetes
Studies found that increasing trend of per capita sugar consumption in Indians will lead to insulin resistance, abdominal adiposity, and hepatic steatosis, and the increasing type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases
Furthermore, diabetes causes severe nerve damage, which coupled with diabetes-related circulation problems often leads to loss of a leg or foot.
Numerous studies have concluded that sugar intake is directly associated with the development of type 2 diabetes, independent of its role in obesity. It was further found that every 150 kcal per person per day increase in sugar availability or about one can of soda per day was associated with increased diabetes prevalence by 1.1%.
When consuming a diet rich in white sugar and other refined carbohydrates forces the body to increase the production of insulin and the body cells develop insulin resistance eventually forcing blood sugar levels to shoot up. This causes Type 2 diabetes which will lead to several hearts, liver and kidney diseases.
5. Your weight will be in control
A 20-year study on 120,000 men and women found that people who increased their sugary drink consumption by one 12-ounce serving per day gained more weight over time than people who did not change their intake. Studies have also proved that reducing sugary drink consumption can lead to better weight control among those who are initially overweighed . So if your goal for 2017 is to reduce the extra 10 kg you have, then there is no better way to start than by cutting off sugar. more