Bangalore Police 0 000
Bangalore Police
2.38 / 5 86 Reviews
Bangalore Police Headquarters, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
The BTP is trying to its best with the available resources. There are many ways to improve their quality of work, which have been improved when compared to the past. Ideally, these days BTP don't harass the public but just send them a slip. They are very dedicated officers in BTP but certain selfish people will not allow these to grow. There are many instances which BTP has to be appreciated as they sacrifice themselves during the festivals, occasions or whenever any major events occurs in Bangalore.
While we say that BTP sacrifice themselves, they are also careless as most of the traffic polices who at the signals keep speaking on their mobile phones, which should be reduced. We understand in case of necessity or emergence or it might also be official call but just because they are attending an official call they should not be negligent in their duty.
Further it is observed that the fines that are levied at only for the purpose to achieve their revenue target. There is no consistency in monitoring the traffic violations. For eg. we might be going in a regular route at morning 7 am in a two wheeler everyday without helmet, but all of a sudden on one Sunday the cops will be present to collect the fines either during month ends or during the first week of the month. This shows the fines are levied because public violate the rules, but to achieve their monthly targets.
Not sure what are the office timings of these police as they wait to catch the violators either early in the morning or late in the evening. Why not during regular office hours?? The BTP dont create awareness among the public but instead make the revenue targets.
Adding to this, they do not co-ordinate with other departments such as BBMP as both departments have different rules. For instance BTP levy fine for parking the vehicle at the footpath and if the vegetable vendor places his cart on the footpath or in front of no parking sign board they are not penalised. Why this discrimination?? Another instance is most of the vehicles will be parked on the footpaths these days, but nobody dares to levy fine, but only in some parts of the bangalore the BTP is hyper active and levy fine for parking in footpaths and they claim they have done something great. Its in-equality of delivering their duty. Penalize everyone who violates law or don't penalize. There is no clarity with the BTP in terms of their own rules and regulations.
These days Chamrajpet has become commercial with lot of logistics and travel operators whose vehicles are parked in middle of the road, none of the police official dare to fine them. There are so many coffee joints in Chamrajpet and most of them are on the main roads and the public park their vehicle in such a way that they disturb the smooth flow of traffice. But these officials dont act on it claiming that its business and they do not have authority to interrupt somebody's business. So, no clarity to BTP whether they should follow rules or support the business.
There is another issue in Bangalore where nobody even know. Does anyone in Bangalore know the no parking areas?? The BTP dont publish them in any of the social media and the public are less aware. The most important fact is the BTP is not aware where the "No Parking Sign Boards" have to be placed and nobody in the BTP system has list of the "No Parking Sign Boards" and nobody monitors. For. eg. there are so many no parking sign boards in 9th Cross Chamrajpet, but never the BTP levies fine. If BTP is not willing to levy fine then they should arrange to remove the no parking sign board. Not only this the sign boards are damaged on this road but there is no action take to get them fixed. Not sure if its the responsibility of BTP or BBMP to fix those sign boards. The worst is when the no parking sign board is broken and removed from certain place and the authorities does not have any clue about it. The no parking area will become a parking area causing lot of problems for the commuters. They dont fix inspite of complaining on the social media. This is the fate of the BTP rules and regulations.
Like these are there many issues and faults of BTP where they need to improvise the system but they are least bothered and busy in collecting fines from the violators.
I feel traffic planning is ad-hoc and short term basis. There is no planning to ease commutators woes. Govt department should interact with each other to solve the problem. This doesn't happen, It seems each agency does the work independently. Few things I noticed
- Things are planned in baby steps
- while giving permission to high rise complexes, no consideration given to traffic issue, parking spaces
- permission are given for commercial establishment in residential layout (later installing no parking board and fining wouldn't help)
- Pathetic road condition, unscientific speed breaker, improper entry and exit points to main road, improper U turns, absence of footpath forces people to walk on road. All this things need integrated planning and co-ordination between Govt dept. Which doesn't seems to happen.
I think lot of improvements are required. But the conditions of roads, shops on all roads-sides, mushrooming high rises without any planning, garbage and construction material stacked on whatever little foot paths are available and our lack of civic senses and affinity for breaking traffic rules are equally responsible for creating an unmanageable chaos.

------- Edited on 2017-06-21 -------

We feel their presence only while paying property taxes. That too because the tax is never correct because of faulty softwares.

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