Noida Police 0 000
Noida Police
1.67 / 5 42 Reviews
Noida Police Headquarters, Noida, India
Their focus is on catch hold of you .Stop Vehicle and ask for many docs. and harsh you otherwise take licence and ask to come to Ghaziabad for fine e tc
They are responsive and generally good.
Your authentic review helps other citizens in your circles. In many cases it may lead to Government and Businesses improve their services. Enter at least 50 characters for a meaningful review.
Noida Police is doing their best under the circumstances.
Hopeless, if there is any theft, they do utmost to not to register an FIR, than may be they are~gloves in hand` with the robbers, nothing is retrieved. Most of them do not know how to behave with Ladies. May be there long hours of duty and getting away with their illicit income of extortion has made them so.**

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