Noida Police 0 000
Noida Police
1.67 / 5 42 Reviews
Noida Police Headquarters, Noida, India
Police is afraid of local villagers, hardly take any action against them even if they are involved in confirmed crimes. Traffic situation is worst, wrong side driving, people hanging all over buses and autos is common.
It is anybody's guess how Noida police is functioning ? Agreeing with the comments of Mr. Padam Law that it is...........and for that matter you can put the entire state police in that category. I cant even give 1 star. Mumbai police is much much better in terms of visibility and taking their duty seriously. need not make any comment further. system is forcing me to rate in terms of star. so being forced to give one star else i wont be bale to post this message
MOST INACTIVE AND USELESS POLICE FORCE IN THE COUNTRY. They have no accountability for anything.

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