7 years of GST

7 years post the launch of GST I must tell you that most retail services businesses in India still evade it and Govt has failed to do anything.

From ac repair fellow to caterers and from afterschool tutoring to getting print outs and photocopies, 98% such entities evade it. Even most traders do business on estimate slip even in metros.

If the Govt fixes this GST collection will go up 2-3X more  

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bjp ruled states take interest to address the same but other states where bjp is not there will not be taken up seriously more  
1) people are already got educated in keeping their turn over below the exemption limit. 2) central council should give Target to all State for detection of GST duty evasion. Only central GST are taking interest in detection and no case detection reported so fare by any State government. That means assessee less than 1cr turn over are faithful. It can not be. more  
The Indian government can improve GST compliance by implementing advanced technology and data analytics, simplifying regulations, strengthening enforcement, providing clear guidelines, establishing task forces, training businesses, fostering collaboration, incentivizing compliance through reward mechanisms, and regularly monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of enforcement measures. These strategies can help reduce tax evasion, fraud, misuse, and leakages, enhancing revenue collection and promoting fair business practices. more  
Instead of criticising let some intelligent / intellectual person should suggest how to improve....not only revenue collection but also how to stop avoiding the taxes. It is our circle. more  
The root cause of the problem is the people. Any amount of rules that govern the collection (or payment) of GST would be for naught if people don't participate in paying the taxes. People may have the perception that the tax revenues are wasted by the politicians. They may think that let others pay while they can enjoy the benefits. They may also get frustrated with the perception that the taxes are too high. Or, they may even be emboldened to avoid taxes completely with the understanding that the tax collectors cannot keep track of every tax payer. Tax revenues actually help, in spite of what people may think. Some of the reasons to pay taxes are building and maintaining infrastructure, national defense, domestic law enforcement, national security, Education, Research and Development, investments in industries, tourism development, and other plethora of services necessary for any country. One way to consider to people to participate in the tax process is through education of the benefits, proper parenting (this is for every aspect of living), and such. I am sure wise people can come up with other ideas. Best luck. more  
You are absolutely right. Until people are educated in the right way about their duties, this will continue. If everyone pays tax, the burden for the individual payer will lessen. As it is, we have one of the lowest tax rates in the growing economic countries. If tax evasion reduces, the tax we have to pay also will go down. Similar with indirect taxes.
Secondly, as you say correctly, we all feel that our tax money is wasted by the politicians. Just two examples: one is the adjournments of the legislatures (municipality, assembly, parliament etc) because of wanton ruckus and uncivilised disruption of the proceedings by all opposition parties instead of civilised discussion and behaviour. 2) In spite of alcohol being freely available in Tamil Nadu, illicit liquor claimed 52 lives and the TN Government announces 10 lakhs per family. Now, when I see my tax money (I pay nearly 2 months of my pension in direct and indirect taxes) will I have the incentive pay the tax?
I believe the Assam Govt has announced that the ministers have to pay their own money to pay the electricity bill. Such practices should be enforced throughout the country for all elected people. Also, after serving just one term, they get a life time pension. This is atrocious. All these will help in inducing ordinary people to think about paying their taxes correctly. more  
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