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the hill moments later Malfoy had appeared followed closely by Crabbe and Goyle Malfoy i've sent you a confidential messageCLICK HERE TO SHOW FULL MESSAGE more  
Heartiest Congratulations to Sri Narendra Modi , Prime Minister elect & his team, for a steering victory, sweeping the 16th Lok Sabha Election 2014, with a stunning and overwhelming majority of 282 of the 543 seats of its own and 53 seats by the alliance partner of NDA giving a total of 335 and making BJP the strongest party to rule the country for the next five years. It’s the people verdict which has given the success to the party. I wish and congratulate, each and every members of the BJP under the leadership of Sri Narendra Modi and the alliance partners for their excellent performance at their respective constituencies. The dedication with excellent team work has delivered a favourable result to BJP and its alliance, excepting for a few candidates who could not make it, in spite of their best and intensive campaign. They will, however, make an entry in the coming days and I wish them all the best. BJP can poise for second term after 2019, when their first term comes to an end, provided to give a good governance and live up to the expectation of the people of the country. I personally express my sincere thanks to all electronic media for giving an extensive coverage of this historic Lok Sabha Election 2014 and they have done a tiresome job covering the nooks and corners of the country. We loved every moment of the campaign, decleration of the result with complete statistics etc. and they have been impartial in their coverage and interview. Its unfortunate for the opposition parties who could not be success for various reasons, as everyone knows and the people of our country decided to go for a change to elect BJP under the leadership of Sri Narendra Modi. Everyone has seen that during the campaign there were hatred speech against Sri Modi, and more the hatred speech about him, the stronger he was getting projected during campaign which has been proved by the people’verdict As a citizen of India, I on my personal behalf, behalf of my family and on behalf of the people of India, once again congratulate Sri Narendra Modi and the elected members for a successful tenure of five years to run the government. We look forward that BJP government with the support of NDA alliance will keep its commitments and pledge to fulfill the dream of its voters by changing the scenario of our country as framed in its manifesto. The new government should give priority to poor, employment, price control, internal securities, defence, friendly relations with neighbouring and other countries all over the world, besides other important issues and make “OUR BHARAT” a proud country transforming the complete situation. All this is possible only with good governance and organized performance. Bharat Mata ki Jai. more  
Thanks Anup ji more  
I definitely want to be a member of this circle and receive the mails. more  
Thanks Arya ji more  
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