Parking fees should be hiked Rs 50 per hour in premium areas to create jobs and provide better service more  

should be banned more  
It is a sala/mama/masa/damad/nephew of a minister or top beuraucrat who gets these lucrative contracts...what will happen to their livelihood if you stop parking fees ? more  
Parking fees to be banned out right through out India except in premium area and that too the fee should be not for parking but for security of the car and it should be halved if the car owner has a driver looking after the car. India is far behind developed country and these parking fee are hindrance to communication for a country which wants to develop at faster space .In tourist area and festival season parking fee should be banned even in premium area. On my Visit to Darjeeling i have observed where ever the car is going some One out of the blue crops up to collect money for parking .These business has simply become a goons business in India.Man with out Job or surplus man with no job,people found idle roaming around in street should be made to come to a particular point in their area and transported to Government farms to work as per their capacity. Every State Government of India should have self sustained farms with activity such as -agriculture,dairy,poultry,FISH CULTURE/FISHERY/orchid,piggery,goat&sheep rearing,bird rearing in captivity,dog rearing for defense purpose,handicraft,old vehicle/scrap dismantling/forestation and cultivation of fast growing tree for forestation/WATER HARVESTING-all idle men should be registered in the Government Farm and should be made to work under strict observation with Out any unionism.These Farms should export oriented and its product should be transported to third world countries by ship .GOVT OF INDIA CAN ALSO START SUCH FARMS UNDER JOINT VENTURE WITH INDIAN COMPANY OR FOREIGN COMPANY .HIGH BREED TECHNOLOGY SHOULD BE ADOPTED IN EACH FARM AND POPULATIONS NOTION ON HIGH BREED BEING INFERIOR TO DESI SHOULD BE DISPELLED WITH ,WITH PROPER EDUCATION..LAND PROVIDED SHOULD BE FREE OF COST BY GOVT AND IT SHOULD BE IN HUNDRED OF ACRES. MR MODI GOVT SPEAKS OF 100 NEW CITIES IF SUCH FARMS ARE LOCATED IN 10,000 PLACES AROUND INDIA THEN 10,200 CITIES WILL COME UP WITH PASSAGE OF TIME .BUT SUCH FIRM SHOULD BE RESULT ORIENTED WITH GIVEN TARGET FOR EVERY FINANCIAL YEAR SAME TARGET DIVIDED MONTH WISH AND FARM IN CHARGE ACCOUNTABLE IF NOT TERMINATED AND JAILED FOR NEGLIGENCE. THESE FARM SHOULD BE MONITORED BY REASONABLE ACCOUNTABILITY I.E YOU COME WITH A FARM IN A AREA THEN YOU FORGET WATER/ELECTRICITY/INFRASTRUCTURE/ROAD CONNECTIVITY TO CITY/WARE HOUSE FACILITY/STORAGE FACILITY/HEALTH/HYGIENE/TOILET AND THEN ASK THE FARM INCHARGE TO ACHIEVE TARGET THEN GOD BLESS THIS COUNTRY. more  
I went to the US i paid 10 dollars for an hour in Newyork,why not Indian cities more  
why parking fee, when we are paying road tax, and other taxes. more  
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