My wife and I travel regularly by the Chennai - Mysore & Mysore - Chennai Express at least 3 to 4 times a year and have given up accepting the lunch / dinner served on the train following very miserable experiences ... half cooked rotis, dry rice very spicy and tasteless dal & subzi, served lukewarm by the catering staff. The Only things we accept are the tubs of curds and Ice cream !
Please improve this by employing professinally trained cooks from catering institutes asking them to offer variety,quality and good taste. Please remember that the passengers are made to pay for the food and at present it is such a waste of hard earned money ...
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The catering rates are no where comparable with the quality of food stuff supplied.You can get much better food in streets on much lower price.Instead of giving tea bags with white water so called milk ,they should give branded sachet of milk power,sugar and tea bag along with hot water.You should add the cost of all this which will never be more than Rs.3/- we should think off.Let the railway should start third party inspection from a independent agency on quality issues and take suitable remedial measures.The IRCTC no where writes the medium of cooking all their canteens/pentry and uses always the lowest available edible oil in the market. more  
Quality apart, for the food quantity served rates should be 50% of what is being charged. B/F Rs.25/- per plate, Tea/Coffee Rs.7/- per 125ml, Lunch 0r Dinner Rs.40/- per plate. The IRCTC can double their catering business with these rates. call for tenders and hand over catering to private caterers. more Food services need a lot of improvement. Read the above article and you can give them feedback on their helpline. more  
Similar foods are served in Bangalore Chennai Satabti. BF served on 23 Aug was so called Veg upma unbaked suji/rava ball unfit for even animals to feed. Toilets were stinky even at the place of origin- Bangaluru. I feel it was well maintained durinf LALUPRASAD'S TIME. NOW HARDLY THE RAILWAY STAFF EVER WORKS more  
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