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Have not you read recent comment of NETA that reservations must be there in sports? more  
The weightage given by Dr. Ambedkar for FRATERNITY giving best quotations in the Constituent Assembly in 1949 was diversified and even cornered as is evident from the S.C. Directions in the year 1992-93 read with the report of Justice Ram Nandan , the Expert Committee Head AND NEED TO BE REDRESSED TO ERADICATE INJUSTICE TO THE POOREST OF THE POOR . more  
It is necessary to reform this issue at public interest . Possible Election Reforms ; Citizen Responsibility & Constitutional Remedies ; Essentials of Constitution , Uniform Civil Code LIKE ISSUES WERE MOVED at Public Interest . Now , this issue of Reservations and Relaxations to be set on Economy Base removing Castes . This will provide Reservations in some States from 20 to 30% ; some States 30 to 50% and in Some States 5o to 70% as per the Economic status of those deserving poor still awaiting in those Regions/States . The gross neglect in promoting Educational Institutions and a big neglect in Teaching Proficiency since 1995 handing-over the Education Sector to Private Businessmen without setting any Regulations for accessible Fee , Efficiency linked Teaching Proficiency , Place of Assembly-cum-Sports LEFT ABOVE 46 % ILLITERATES & ANOTHER 20% BELOW INTERMEDIATE . The unlimited and un Regulated Political Democracy in deed ruined the whole concept of this issue particularly set for making an Educated and Skilled Population in the Country providing accessible education and healthcare even to the poorest of the poor with these special provisions which had been misused and wrongly carried . HENCE OUR FORUM IS TO WORK FOR CONSTITUTIONAL REMEDIES FOR THE JUSTICE TO THE STILL DEPRIVED GENERAL PUBLIC AS A WHOLE realizing the article 51 A , 32 , 226 and , the very article 39 A to address Education healthcare & Food to the real needy to uplift fast and in time with Free , Aided , Relaxed structure carrying simultaneously the Merit within each category . We have to work the deprived to carry with us but on a justified manner of Economic Creamy Layer . more  
Instead of reservation fund the educational expensed free. Give subsidy to the parents . Reservation on jobs must be only on competition. more  
What ever the situation may be, facts may be, the secularism meaning may be, the financial backwardness of the forward classes may be, the reservation issue will not be touched or say no one dares to touch because it is just like that it was and the present ruling mantris are recommending reservation in games also and it is a long drawn and can do nothing change the scenario. So better not discuss it. This is my personal opinion and one may accept or not it is upto them. more  
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