Carry on reforms with a mind to accept errors till the final goal of an efficient railways. more
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In Indian law d minister is d govt whose decision is final.being a CA prabhu knows well & can do good to rlys & passengers.we must support him fully.rly is 1:243 ratio of excutive & subordinate. so liberal decentralisation & decision making at lower rank can improve operation.many benefits of revenue earning abruptly abandoned during jafar sharif period need to be reintroduced for passengers comfort.passenger facility & more income with secured journey sud get primacy. more
Oct 23
But he should take full care because these corrupt officials had support of full gang operating in looting rly money, my old grand father was a rail employee in the year 1936, he used to say that if no theft in railway than line can be prepared of Gold more
Oct 23
We want to provide full support to Mr Prabhu who is doing his best efforts, till date no other Rail Minister dared to take such bold steps more
Oct 23
1.Corrupt bureaucrats are opposing the reform measures initiated by Railway Minister Suresh Prabhu in the Indian Railways. These measures, aimed at bringing transparency and weeding out corruption, have not gone down well with a section of the bureaucracy, which wants to scuttle them at any cost, say sources.-The bold steps taken by the Railway Minster should be appreciated first. Minister should form his own group to put a eye on the Corrupt officials and after getting sufficient evidence such official should be sent away from DELHI(other dept if possible) and they may be allocated the duties of immediate junior official with a eye on such officials. 2.Babus in New Delhi’s Rail Bhawan are worried with Prabhu’s decision to empower the execution of contracts at the lower level, which so far was being done from the Rail Bhawan . “The minister is of the view that the Railway Board can make the policy of financing here, but its execution should be more... -Those officials who are not taken should be furnished by with drawing their powers and allocating the duties of junior officials in the office for certain time and after wards they must shifted out DELHI more
Oct 23