Even if British come to India and rule again cannot eliminate corruption in the land of India more  

No body is talking about misutilisation of fnds released under scheme of IWMP in the country more  
HOW COME NOBODY IS TALKING ABOUT A POSSIBLE THORIUM MEGA SCAM, PROBABLY THE BIGGEST SCAM EVER IN HUMAN HISTORY? Thorium holds the key to our nuclear program being freed from the dependance on uranium imports to power our nuclear plants & allowing us to develop limitless amounts of fuel since it could be extracted from sand on beaches. But according to a report in Statesman, the govt has failed to control the export of monazite, the raw material from which thorium can be extracted & has allowed 2.1 million tonnes of it to be extracted. The report estimates that if the thorium extracted from monazite is estimated at $100 per tonne, then the loss to the exchequer is about Rs 48 lakh crore, in addition to the incalculable loss to the Indian nuclear fuel program. Monazite exists in sand on the beaches of Kerala, Orissa & Tamil Nadu & it yields about 8-10 % thorium. Thorium is converted into an isotope of uranium, which is used to feed nuclear reactors. But, unlike uranium, it can be used multiple times to generate electricity, creating a seemingly endless cycle of fuel availability. The Bhabha Atomic Research Centre has developed a research nuclear reactor powered by thorium at Kalpakkam & work has also begun on a 500 MW fast breeder reactor there. According to another report in the Statesman, the US & Japan r actively looking to increase their production of thorium & thorium-based reactors, due to which India needs to safeguard its mineral resources by banning the export of minerals from which thorium can be extracted. THIS IS A MUST TO ENSURE A BRIGHT FUTURE FOR OUR INDIAN NUCLEAR PROGRAM UNTIL OTHER BETTER, MORE MODERN & SUSTAINABLE SOURCES OF GREEN & RENEWABLE ENERGY R DEVELOPED & PUT IN PLACE. HENCE, MODIJI OUGHT TO ORDER A THROUGH PROBE & NAB ALL THE CRIMINALS BEHIND THIS MEGA SCAM. MODIJI ALSO OUGHT TO STATUTE A TERRIFYING & DETERRING EXAMPLE OF THEM. THEIR LOOT MUST BE RETRIEVED & INVESTED IN WELFARE ASAP. more  
HOW ABOUT OUR DEFENCE SCAMS? India is the biggest defence importer in the world, but our jawans even today do not have proper gear to withstand the sub-zero temperatures up in the north; forget all the rest! WHERE HAS ALL THE MONEY GONE? WHY IS IT NOT BEING PROBED? more  
INDIA IS THE COUNTRY THAT HAS BEEN THE RICHEST DURING THE LONGEST STRETCH OF TIME IN THE HISTORY OF MANKIND. WIDESPREAD & DEEP-ROOTED CORRUPTION 1947-2014 HAS REDUCED US INTO ONE OF THE POOREST NATIONS IN THE WORLD TODAY. V HAVE MORE POOR PEOPLE THAN ANY OTHER NATION ON EARTH HAVE 2014. MIND! India has become probably the most corrupt democracy in the world today only due to one single reason: our rulers 1947-2014, via a barrage of wile & wanton acts of omissions & commissions, have created & encouraged corruption in all its forms. That is why our India today is an oligarchic kleptocracy, lunatic asylum & wasteland fit only for bums, bounders & buccaneers to live in. Yatha raja, tatha praja. Mind! Nothing ever happens without any reason or cause. And every problem has also a solution; it is only a matter of finding the right one. And if there is a will, there is also a way & no pains, no gains, they say. So, provided v do whatever it takes to annihilate corruption, the malady will disappear just as it appeared. A concrete example: Sweden, the 3rd least corrupt country in the world today. (Sweden was an extremely poor & corrupt country with huge income disparities & all associated evils in 1920. More than 20% of its population was forced to migrate to USA due to grinding poverty. But, after 25 years of hard work, reformation, makeover etc, Sweden started to emerge as the best welfare nation on earth by 1945.) If the Swedes can do it, so can even v. NB! It is high time v Indians shed our fatalism, defeatism, negativism, pessimism, superstitions etc & started doing what v must to make our India a far better nation to live in than what it really is today. more  
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