Rather than reintroducing the moral science class we need to fix and renovate the galling apart leaking classrooms and buildings needing replacement of deteriorating windows doors and wiring in rural schools like Sankhefa District Vadodara that woulg give moral boistbto students annd staff and public.

Shantu Shah more  

A NEW VISION & STRATEGY TO MAKE OUR INDIA THE RICHEST, MOST POWERFUL & BEST WELFARE NATION: INDIA NEEDS NOW AN IMMEDIATE LEADERSHIP, SYSTEM & PARADIGM CHANGES BY AN ALLIANCE OF THE GOOD AGAINST EVIL. It must result in a 100% democratic, credible, dynamic, proactive & interactive ruling group. We need a new moral rearmament, thorough metamorhosis & complete makeover to bid goodbye to the murky JOKEPAL past & present & welcome a glorious future. Only an entirely new breed of good, honest, enlightened, modern & progressive politicians, totally committed to the nation & its citizens & equipped with an adequate agenda, can give our Grand Indian Dreams an entirely different & good direction, dimension, quality, content & impetus & also lead us firmly into the 21st century. All good Indians must now enter politics & unseat the criminal ones in it today. A national & international talent hunt is needed here. The new leaders must change the present primitive, anachronistic, completely hollow & hero-based JOKEPAL politics to a serious, modern, ideology, objective, value, principle & agenda-based one. A clear premium must be placed on all real merits, honesty, integrity & patriotism to engineer a reverse brain & resource drain & signal a necessary moral rearmament, complete & thorough leadership, system & paradigm changes.The present manipulated,100% unHindu & anti-Hindu caste system created by our JOKEPAL politicians 1947-2014, must be abolished forthwith. A holistic & scientific national agenda for progress & welfare based on the superb Swedish model ought to be made our sole guiding star. INDIA FIRST ALWAYS, WELFARE TO ALL & PRIVILEGES TO NONE, FROM ALL ACCORDING TO ABILITY & TO ALL ACCORDING TO NECESSITY MUST BECOME OUR NEW NATIONAL MOTTOS. By rewriting the outdated Indian Constitution,100% accountability & transparency must be ensured & power decentralized & shared. All our corrupted & destroyed systems, incl the 4 pillars of our democracy, must be saved & put in foolproof working condition. All dynasties ought to be exterminated & all other main problems identified & solved. We need a new foreign policy, join NATO - our natural allies - procure new, good & powerful friends & a permanent seat in UNSC. We must engineer a polarization between the good & evil & annihilate the latter. It must undo all the harm done to India & Indians by our totally corrupt, criminal, completely useless, anti-Indian & anti-India politicians 1947-2014. FOR THAT VITAL MISSION, IT MUST CAPTURE FULL POWER AT THE CENTRE & IN THE STATES ASAP. IT MUST START BY JAILING ALL THE CORRUPT & RETRIEVING THE TRILLIONS THEY'VE LOOTED & STASHED AWAY AT HOME & ABROAD. IT MUST BE INVESTED INSTANTLY IN POVERTY & ILLITERACY ELIMINATION, EMPLOYMENT, WELFARE, INFRASTRUCTURE INCL IT IN GENERAL & ELECTRICITY, CLEAN WATER & OTHER ESSENTIAL SERVICES TO ALL IN PARTICULAR & PUT INDIA ON TRACK. LET'S THUS GIVE EACH & EVERY INDIAN A BRAND NEW FAIR DEAL & LIFE! AFTER THAT V MUST SAVE THE REST OF THE WORLD, TOO! more  
Both indeed have their own importance. Kids must be given a health environment and proper classrooms to atudy and at the same time they have to have this humane touch which will make them better individuals !!!! more  
Irrespective of what is happening Moral Science needs to b introduced. But what is Morality and who will decide.? Preacher's concept of Morality is limited to the preacher's vision - of what he has heard but not Studied. Preacher depends on the back drop of the School and its religious back ground. In a British termed Secular - Story - Vedas has gone into the Back Ground - All Religious meeting is important to bring an IMPORTANT CHARACTER BUILDING EXERCISE - to inculate Mother India is more important than an Individual, his Religion and most Importantly - Respect for all living Creatures - "MA" is the only common word in all language, Religion and only she can tell Who is the Father of the Child. Once this Position is STRENGTHENED - all others will slowly but surely fall in place. Can V ask all Preachers to get to act as one unifying POST. Kali Yug is Kala ka Yug - All actions will go to improve in all directions - The Good will be better and then Best Bad will get Worse and Worst. Both will evolve to throw out the Evil intentions to usher in Satya - TRUTH This is an on going process and will continue. Question is who will like to come forward to fight for TRUTH JAI HIND more  
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