77000+ cases in 24 hours

India's COVID19 daily cases trajectory is again rising up, after showing an artificial flattening for a couple of days due to less testing, yesterday recorded an all time daily high of 77,266 cases.

Look at the 7 days moving average of daily cases in attached.

Do we know at any given point of time what each hospital has in terms of bed. If madurai has 700 hospital beds its capacity is 700 active cases. If Madura hits 1200 active cases its got a problem. The 500 empty beda in chennai will not help.

GOI should create this chart and the mark all districts as red green orange. more  

View all 15 comments Below 15 comments
India has got huge population, majority of whom is uncivilized. As such, the addition of 77000/day new cases is too small. I feel this figure is bound to shoot up in the coming months. God designs and develops pandemics from time to time very intelligently to have a control on population. more  
The pandemic has to be faced with a cool mind. Giving statistics is not going to solve the problem as it will creates panic or complacency. Let us help the government by observing self discipline ourselves. more  
Mr. Ramachandran, I am not sure if your post is in good taste. I do believe that courteousness in communicating one's point of view always sounds gracious. more  
Validity of figures shown in the graph needs through examination. In prevailing environment even the test reports and treatment provided is not authenticated, Private labs are adding to the figures may be to create fear in the mind of patient suffering from common cold and cough and go to the hospitals for treatment to save the life. Besides following the preventive measures against Covid-19, mindset of the people should also change from materialistic to humanity and social responsibilities, which may help to fight against Covid-19. more  
It seems the author is happy that India scored high and show a statistics graph which has no "father" or base. Such sadistic people should be whipped in the town square. more  
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