Addl Inputs Sought on Waste Segregation

Below are your inputs on what Railways can do about Waste Segregation. Kindly review and if you have any specific additional inputs, please let us know.

Effective Waste segregation by Railways
1.Separate dustbins should be installed inside trains as well
2. Appropriate slogans should be put to educate people at different places on and outside the station, especially at the entrance
3.TTE or RPF should also be directed about this mission whether in train or at station. They are generally mute spectators when such things happen in front of them
4. There should be messages on the food packets about proper disposal in a language passengers will understand (not only in English)
5.Since bigger stations would be under surveillance through CCTVs, let there be a mechanism to keep a vigil on people who are throwing segregated garbage
6.As many bins as possible with lids which be opened by pressing foot lever (without touching it) and differentiated by colour
7.Volunteers should be asked to educate people on the platforms about segregating the waste and throwing them in different bins
8.The biodegradable garbage may be converted into manure and used in railway gardens
9.The wastes arising after breakfast, lunch, tea, dinner should also be segregated by the railway staff before disposing at next halting stations
10.Auto announcement should be made at the stations for awareness of passengers about garbage segregation
11.On the stations, the small vendors must have small bins for various items which they should then empty into the large bins provided by the railways
12.In every train the catering contractor personnel each carrying different bag for wet waste /dry waste/plastics and travel through all the compartment and collect the garbage.13.Government could install automatic machines at railway station premises which issue credit coupons against proper disposal of plastic bottles, cups, cans, etc.

Previous Inputs

Last year via this circle you had requested that Railways segregate waste more effectively. As an action to your input, Indian Railways has decided to provide separate dustbins for collections of biodegradable (wet waste) and non-biodegradable (dry waste) on the platforms and all passenger interface areas in A1 & A category stations apart from vending stalls.

We seek additional inputs from you on how we can rope in all stakeholders including, staff, vendors citizens to effectively participate in this endeavor.

Zonal Railways will train the staff engaged in cleaning duties at railway stations for separate collection and further handling for final disposal of segregated dry and wet waste from the dustbins.

Indian Railways had already instructed for efficient disposal of waste arising out of pantry car services and static units as also to provide adequate dustbins on platforms and by the side of stalls at all railway stations for environment friendly disposal of waste

Indian Railways will provide different coloured dustbins and polythene liner bags for bio-degradable and non-biodegradable waste viz. Green for bio-degradable and Black for non-biodegradable. In the first phase, Zonal Railways will ensure provision of separate dustbins for segregated collection of garbage at all A1 category stations immediately, followed by ‘A’ category stations on or before 31.12.2016. more  

View all 148 comments Below 148 comments
The dust bins provided should be ensured without damaged and cleared then and there as and when these bins are filled with wastage in subsequent stations more  
In addition to the inputs listed above, Introduction of color coded waste bins is expected to improve the situation. Standard colors for waste bins for diffrent type of wastes is as under: (1) Organic (Bio-Degradable) - Green, (2) Paper Waste - White (3) Plastic Waste - Blue (4) Metal Waste - Grey (5) Glass Waste - Yellow (6) Hazard Waste - Red Above color codes are as per Green Revolution blog in India and can be seen at Color codes for Waste Bins shall be brought into practice not only in Railways but through out India. The matter may be taken up by concerned authorities with appropriate Ministry for making it mandatory to indicate waste bin color code on the packings/packets of various items coonsumed by general public. This will greatly improve the segregation of different types of wastes generated out of packings/packets of various items. To begin with Indian Railways may at least adopt S.No.(1) to (3) at Stations and in the trains. For awareness in the passengers/general public, info about these color codes shall be displayed at Stations and in the trains prominently at suitable places. more  
Railways should implement announcement systems inside the trains and compartments which will help them to Inform the arrival of stations. the breaktime at the station and also use them regularly to inform in all the local languages about the safety and hygiene practices to be followed by the passengers. more  
present the hygiene is improved in the trains, better than previous. more  
All dustbins should be cleared intermittently throughout the journey. There should be adequate dustbins in coaches with proper lids. The size of the dustbin should be adequate. more  
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