Addressing Open Defecation on Railway Land

Below are your key inputs on what should be done to address open defecation on Railway land and along side the tracks. Kindly review and if you have additional specific inputs, please share the same.

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Addressing open defecation on Railway Land
1.Illegal slums along the railway lines and on railway land should be cleared
2.The maintenance of cleanliness near railway land should be entrusted to the concerned municipalities of the area
3.Railways should discuss with the local body authorities to provide usable Public toilet near these areas
4. Railways should engage local communities in these areas who are against ODF and work with them on creating more awareness and reporting
5. Fear of community shaming and penal action should be inculcated in those still persistent on defecating in open
6.More nominal pay and use toilets around the identified railway lands which are more susceptible to this problem
7.CCTV cameras should be installed on railway land and big visual banners should be installed to inform people about the electronic surveillance
8.Village panchayats should strictly instruct people not to defecate on railway land
9.Panchayat should also be given powers to charge financial penalties from people who break this rule
10.Railway land should be fenced near cities,, villages and towns
11.Public toilets should be provided along railway land where railway tracks pass through or adjacent to villages/towns
12.The railway land could be beautified with flowers and landscaping so that the person would think a 100 times before defecating there
13.The empty railway land should be put to use, possible leased out, so that some constructive work could take place there. more  

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I have a clear solution for this nonsense, if Railways or local body invite actions can be taken. more  
I was travelling from Sarai Rohella to Jaipur on Monday 20th Sept.2016 by Double Decker exp. and when the train was passing through Patel Nagar station which is hardly 7 kms from Sarai Rohella I was shocked to see the amount of waste plastic lying on parallel track, the whole area was covered by plastic and people were just sitting on and between the tracks. This place is very much inside Delhi our national capital. I was extremely ashamed by what I saw as there were some foreigners travelling to Jaipur with me, I don`t know who is responsible for this: the Railways or the Municipal corp. or the people of Patel Nagar. If some concerned person is reading this you please go to Patel Nagar station, the situation is pathetic and awful there. more  
Recently I had been to Agra cantt. The position of Railway tracks is absolutely awful. People are defecating in the railway tracks and create a very bad smell throughout the platform area. There must a strict vigilance by railway police and deterrent punishment to those who are violating the rules and spoiling the place. Strict implementation is the only way to improve the swatchatha in the railway area. more  
i totally agree with Akkineni Srinivasa Phanendra more  
simpliest way to maintain railway lands beside trak is nothing but plant trees ...then autometically no one occupy the lands and journey will be comfort to the passangers and maintaince will give to NGOS under SM supervison that will give responsibilty and answerable to the railways, more  
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