Amendment in Tatkal Scheme

Timings for Booking Staggered for AC and non AC Classes and debarring of all agents in first 30 minutes

At present, the booking under Tatkal scheme opens at 10.00 hrs on the previous day of journey from train originating station. It has been decided that w.e.f. 15.06.2015, timings for booking of Tatkal tickets will be staggered for AC & non-AC classes to 1000 hours onwards and 1100 hours onwards respectively. Hence, now the reservation under Tatkal scheme will open at 1000 hours on the previous day of journey from train originating station for AC classes whereas that for non-AC classes will start at 1100 hours on the previous day of journey from train originating station.

Moreover, all types of ticketing agents (YTSK, RTSAs, IRCTC agents, etc.) will now be debarred from booking tickets during the first thirty minutes of opening of booking i.e. from 0800 to 0830 hours for general bookings, and from 1000 to 1030 hours & 1100 to 1130 hours for Tatkal booking in AC & non-AC classes respectively. more  

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Tatkal could very well done away by introducing dynamic fares similar to airlines. If the advance reservation days are reduced probably tatkal might not necessitates. Travel agents should be Barred from selling tickets since they can cheat by having several fictuous ids & as passengers can very well use own internet or book tickets at railway booking counters more  
Good move. half an hour debarring slots are too low. Make it an hour. Bar tatkal booking for registered individuals during the barred hours for agents, if they are not travelling. The program should automatically show the name of the registered holder for ticketing in those timings. Such booked tickets can be cancelled only in one go for all listed passengers and not partly. This will avoid the misuse. more  
Sent from my iPad > On 08-Aug-2015, at 21:24, M N Bapat wrote: > > > > Dear sir > I found that full tex did not go with my earlier mail so I am sending it again. > Minimisation of railway accident and compromise to length and effective weigth of the bogies- > Harda accident has made us revisit the suggestions made in two / three aspects which were presented. It does not mean that the earlier suggestion put forth are not taneous. We need to have a ‘look’ in to suggestion as per conditions prevailing. One suggestion applicable at one situation may fail miserably in other situations. We as citizens of country with diverse atmospheric condition need to visualise plan applicable with this fact in view. > Our problem is accommodating a huge number of passenger their safety and security. It can be done > By deploying more bogies in trains. We have passed 28 bogie mark. Further increase may be through lot of constrains. > By using double decker bogies. > By increasing capacity of bogies. > By attaching side car. > > We need to increase increase the width of the bogies. It may attack two kinds of problem. > This increase in width must be accompanied with three railed bogies. In the case of two railed bogies if one rail tract fails the train is suceptible to accident. As of today the distance between rails (for broad guage) is 6+1/2 feet. In the three rail system the distance between the rails can be 6.5 feet – 3.5 feet. Thus distance between extreme rails would be 10 feet. It will enable to increase width of the bogie can be 12 feet. Thus the capacity would increase 1.5 times. e.g., in place of 72 births it would have 108 births and inplace of 82 + seating capacity it can be 123 +. > By making 3 rails it will provide more stability to the rails and more balenced. It may set smooth and stable running conditions. It may also provide safe and faster running. > It will facilitate making trains double decker, to accommodate further few seats. > > We have witnessed over last 70 years dramatic change in road transport. Buses were 4 tired. It became 6 tired and now Volvo is of 10 tires. As for as lorry / trucks are concerned, the number of tires has increased from bare 6 to 16+. This has increased load carrying capacity as also minimised accidents if a tire (except front wheels) bursts, there is no imbalance to lead it to accidents. > > Initially we can start a piolet project where space may allow third rail laying possible. > This too may not be first experiment, first experiment can be a side car attached to the other side of the platform. > > So now doors will open only towards plateform side, i.e., right side of the train. > > Once the side car attachment experiment succeds, the size of the bogie, may be increased in consultaion with experts. Next step can be running experimental trains like holiday specials. > >> On Fri, Aug 7, 2015 at 11:38 AM, Mukund Bapat wrote: >> dear sir, >> it is another side of the story- >> >> Minimisation of railway accident and compromise to length and effective weigth of the bogies- >> Harda accident has made us revisit the suggestions made in two / three aspects which were presented. It does not mean that the earlier suggestion put forth are not taneous. We need to have a ‘look’ in to suggestion as per conditions prevailing. One suggestion applicable at one situation may fail miserably in other situations. We as citizens of country with diverse atmospheric condition need to visualise plan applicable with this fact in view. >> Our problem is accommodating a huge number of passenger their safety and security. It can be done >> By deploying more bogies in trains. We have passed 28 bogie mark. Further increase may be through lot of constrains. >> By using double decker bogies. >> By increasing capacity of bogies. >> By attaching side car. >> >> We need to increase increase the width of the bogies. It may attack two kinds of problem. >> This increase in width must be accompanied with three railed bogies. In the case of two railed bogies if one rail tract fails the train is suceptible to accident. As of today the distance between rails (for broad guage) is 6+1/2 feet. In the three rail system the distance between the rails can be 6.5 feet – 3.5 feet. Thus distance between extreme rails would be 10 feet. It will enable to increase width of the bogie can be 12 feet. Thus the capacity would increase 1.5 times. e.g., in place of 72 births it would have 108 births and inplace of 82 + seating capacity it can be 123 +. >> By making 3 rails it will provide more stability to the rails and more balenced. It may set smooth and stable running conditions. It may also provide safe and faster running. >> It will facilitate making trains double decker, to accommodate further few seats. >> >> We have witnessed over last 70 years dramatic change in road transport. Buses were 4 tired. It became 6 tired and now Volvo is of 10 tires. As for as lorry / trucks are concerned, the number of tires has increased from bare 6 to 16+. This has increased load carrying capacity as also minimised accidents if a tire (except front wheels) bursts, there is no imbalance to lead it to accidents. >> >> Initially we can start a piolet project where space may allow third rail laying possible. >> >>> On Wed, Aug 5, 2015 at 11:20 AM, A Malhotra wrote: >>> more  
Good strategy if it works. Before this many changes had been made to check the agents but all of them were proved futile. Let's hope this attempt will not go waste. more  
Dear Sir / Madam, Recently, my father, who is a senior citizen, was travelling by train and had to board a connecting train. However, the train he was travelling got hugely delayed and he missed the connecting train. He had to suffer a lot of hardship just to get a seat in the next train for which he had already paid earlier while booking the seat. I’m sure this is a very common problem faced by almost all passengers who do long distance travel by train. The above scenario could have been easily avoided if there was an IT-enabled system (may be a mobile app or through mobile website) which can provide the travelers with options for cancellation or booking a seat in the next connecting train. This would save the passengers from hardships of looking for options in a new place with luggage apart from preventing them from going through unnecessary worries and mental agony. Some solution developed by the railways in this regard will ease common man’s life to a large extent. Thanks and regards, Divesh more  
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