Bank Locker Harassment by Banks

Bank of Baroda sent message to my mother on Dec 30, 2022 to complete KYC for locker by Jan 1,'2023. With weekend in between and New Year, many were and are out of town. And some are saying stamp paper etc is required. What an irrational deadline. Who was sleeping on this? Now customers are being harassed with recorded messages and mails.

Enough is enough banks. Dont take consumers for a ride. First you increase rents by 300-400% and now you are harassing them because of your inefficient operations. Why was this not communicated when RBI notified you. Did they notify you on Dec 28th.

Fire such bank leaderships RBI and Govt atleast for public sector banks. more  

View all 24 comments Below 24 comments
KYC is required to confirm that the customer is alive, and the address is correct. Generally, it is done every 5 years. Where is the harassment in complying with that? Can we not submit some identity papers every 5 years? more  
What about the residential address? A regular usage does not prove the address as correct. more  
When regular usage continues ,is not sufficient to confirm customer is alive?
Alternatively customer may instructed to give life certification on regular basis as is being done in pension cases.
Last week notices are not justified.
Thank you more  
Important Bank Locker Rules in 2022 Following are the new bank locker rules that bank locker customers ought to know: • Alert Notifications Banks must notify customers about the locker usage via SMS and email on their registered mobile number and email address. The notification should contain the date and time of the locker operation and a redressal mechanism for unauthorised locker access. • Compensations Bank locker rules in case of theft state that the bank will be held responsible for any loss of your locker contents caused by theft, burglary, or robbery. The bank shall be liable to pay you 100 times the prevailing safe deposit locker annual rent. This compensation also applies in case of fire, building collapse, or fraud. • Security Bank locker rooms and vaults must have a single defined entry and exit point. The locker room spaces should protect against rain, flood water, or fire hazards from entering and damaging the premises. Banks must preserve CCTV surveillance footage for up to 180 days. If a customer has complained to the bank in case of unauthorised locker access, theft, security breach, etc., the banks must hold on to the CCTV recordings till the police investigation ends. • Locker Standards As per the revised bank locker operation rules, new mechanical lockers should conform to safety benchmarks set by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS). Banks must ensure that electronically operated locker systems are compliant with the Cyber Security Framework mandated by the RBI. Bank or branch Identification Codes must be embossed on the locker keys. Customers can use an additional padlock if the bank provides such a facility. • Locker Rent Banks can use your Term Deposits to cover the locker rental charges. If you fail to pay the rental costs, the bank can break open your locker. To recover any losses incurred, banks can use the Term Deposit amount. If the bank has collected the rent in advance, it must refund a proportionate amount of the amount collected to the customer. You can check our Locker charges on our bank’s website. • Nominations Banks can offer a nomination facility. They may also devise their own bank locker agreement format and claim formats to ensure safe custody of the locker contents. As per RBI the banks are supposed to execute a fresh agreement on a Stamp Paper of Rs.100 with the hirer of locker facility. We have a locker at State Bank of India. We visited the branch and completed the signing of new agreement in about 15 minutes as signatures are required on each page of agreement. Copies of Aadhar Card and PAN card is required along with 2 passport size photographs. Bank arranged for Stamp Paper for a service charge of Rs.100 which saved us the headache of getting a StampPaper. more  
If you explain the problems in completing KYC by due date and if request is made for further time, I don't think that the bank will refuse the request. If at all bank refuses, you can take legal action against Bank. more  
yes for their lethargic attitudes customer are paying for their inefficiencies like now for sms/cheque book etc they are charging which was not there earlier.also whenever i go to bank their printer for pass book entry does not work and also ATM also very rarely works.They give money to big fliers who take the money and run away to foreign countries and all their inefficiencies add to our overheadsEither way aam aadmi suffers more  
Mr. Ashok, you have painted a very grim picture of the banks which is far from ground reality which is as under.
1. SMS alert is optional and chargeable (Rs. 5/- plus GST per month) but useful service. You can opt out. It was never free.
2. A reasonable number of cheque books are issued free. These are enough for anyone for normal need. I have never fallen short.
3. Your bank branch may be a typical one as I have dealt with many banks in different cities all over India and never faced any issue either for printing of passbook or ATM. The private banks are very efficient and so are the public sector ones. more  
Banks are becoming increasingly irrational, irresponsible & inefficient. They dont care unless you are a big player. more  
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