Beggars in Trains/Stations - Inputs on Solutions

Below are the key issues raised by you in regards to beggars at stations and on board in trains. Kindly review them and share specific solutions that must be implemented to address this issue.

We look forward to your inputs!

Issues raised by Citizens in regards to Beggars

1. Beggars harass passengers on stations
2. They cause security concerns to passengers on stations
3. Many cases of theft by beggars are reported from inside the trains
4. They occupy important areas on the platform, making walking tough for the commuters
5. They travel in trains without tickets
6. Some beggars can be found sitting on the foot-over-bridges making it hard for the passengers to shuttle between platforms
7. During night journey, in some station trains stop for longer time due to crossing or engine change. Beggars use this opportunity to steal the passengers belongings while they are sleeping
8. They abuse passengers who refuse to give them alms
9. They become an impediment in the cleanliness of the station. more  

View all 138 comments Below 138 comments
Entry into plat form has to be controlled by the TTE standing at the gate. Except at the time of arrival of the trains, the TTEs are seen at the gates. more  
Try to control the public at the entrance & exit like metro, airport .All problems get solved. Also Increase Platform rate ticket if possible. too many peoples are entering for sent off for single person. more  
Yes! the thief and lifters enter the train as beggars, lift valuables of the passengers. Sometimes I am told that the RPF on duty is involved in this act and gets his share more  
The menace of enuches in trains are frustrating. Beggars, urchins have free movement. Can it be controlled? more  
PL RD: @ & not 2 @ the begining,cHARGING SHOULD B AN OFFENCE, payng liberally, 5-6 pm,people with, person shunned to silence by TTs, such state of affairs @ even big size .....But who cares? pardn for typing 7 abruptly clubbing many issues.. mvs more  
2 rAILWAY STATIONS,Porters charging so high to help you with luggage, particularly @ ND & Nizamuddin railway stations, actually a group travelling(a family). rate should b per piece of luggage, size. Above it, charging is an offence/punishable, but if a pasenger is paying libelly voluntorily, it should b O K. Food, soup etc served is less (in a cup) to the travellers( in trains where food charges are already paid wit ticket cost)gimmic is contractors who charge railways charge it per cup.,now if quantity is less in a cup for 1 traveller, quantity of cups will go up, so contractoris paid for more cups, though seats are numbered, that is the SOCH amongst travellers. There are so many things, like on many railway stations like Bharuch, no loaders, who can help, women, old people wit luggage, as mostly after 5-6 people with foul smell are found loitering as helpers but THEY ARE NOT so, but call themselves helpers & misbehave with travellers, & unfortunately TT s on station are sitting in AC rooms with their friends( WOMEN/DRINK), & IF, a peson who handles an entry book for noting visitor/traveller waiting for the train is shunned in silence. One shudders @ such state of affairs 2 even above mentioned type of railway stations- meaning big ones. But who cars? Who knows? -----There has to b constant vigil keeper- strict 1s, impartial- always different ones. SURPRISINGLY no announcements ARE DONE for Stations it is touching for less than 4-5 minutes are done @least in train to Hardwar(JAN SHATABDI-ND to DDoon,) causes chaoes for disembarking & PASSENGERS GETTING IN. T m v s more  
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