Bribe to escape quarantine

So BMC officals have been taking bribe to let international passengers escape mandatory quarantine.

We asked to shut flights and that was done only for two weeks. Then foreigners came, some escaped quarantine by paying bribe to corrupt officers and went into the city and smaller towns.

Now we have covid exploding in Maharashtra and rising in other cities like Delhi Bangalore Chennai. What is to say that the local officials in these cities did not accept a bribe to let people off.

Such officials should be booked for causing death by greed and negligence. Shameful. more  

View all 25 comments Below 25 comments
I have been propagating many a times,we have to be self disciplined & use our common sense. more  
The foreign tourists should be kept under observation or quarantine. more  
Govt Staff must not shirk Duty-bound Responsibility. States Failed in Rule more  
Fake Certificates are more dangerous too . more  
Recently someone known to us visited haridwar and the official took 50 rupees in lieu of the mandatory covid test before entering the city, and let them pass. This disease is all prevalent more  
Dear Mr. Ramachandran Nair. The question is not whether I feel happy. The concept is to reach the viral video to the respective authorities , for, if they feel necessary to conduct a probe ,they may do it,else, eraise the message. The seriousness of the message was corruption under 5he shadow covid testing ar airport. Now I feel you are satisfied and happy. more  
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