Congrats Circles on vaccine plan

The Govt has released the attached vaccine detailed plan after this survey of yours.

Why Are we all still so hesitant ?? Yes must wary of the vaccine lobbies and side effects but still make our own decision more  

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Many political parties are mis-guiding the public with fabricated facts and figures. more  
Attaching a brief explanation of how the 2 different vaccines work on our bodies to boost our immunity against COVID19 virus. more  
Sad to note that so many Indians are refusing to take vaccine even when their turn comes. Once again, the healthcare / frontline workers will be bearing the brunt of any ill-effects of this vaccine. The current trials have already revealed that those with allergic conditions should avoid taking. And, there have been very few exceptional cases where side-effects showed up during trials. When a society is illiterate and/or ill-informed this is how citizens react! If anyone thinks that all side-effects will be know to humankind within 6 months to 2 years, they are living in fools paradise. Side-effects can also become evident 10 years from now. Having said all of the above, IT IS IMPORTANT THAT THOSE WITH ANY SIDE-EFFECTS RECEIVE APPROPRIATE RESPONSE FROM THE HOSPITALS / CLINICS. This is one of the major areas of concern in our weak healthcare infrastructure for the poor and socially vulnerable sections. Add to this, the corruption that prevails amongst us, seeking to milk every situation to our individual benefits. more  
Some are Neglecting spread ; Some aiming Free Treatment more  
One must laud the efforts of Central Government for drawing a road map/blueprint about the vaccine in inoculation to the citizens of India depending upon certain criterion. On the face of it all appear to be in order. Coming to the vital point of keeping a track of the vaccinated person, would it not be difficult to trace with the help of a mobile phone ? Instead, if Government can think about introducing/adopting RFID technology based of Tags, and to develop a mobile phone based app connected to the Block/District/State/Central level and to the Health Departments servers to make it work to map the details such as Type/model of Vaccine, Trade/generic name, manufacturer, batch number date of 1st dose, next dose due date, 2nd dose given date and monitoring the movement of the candidate,.It would be ideal to also have the facility to upload, any AEFI (Adverse Event tracking following Immunization. This will help to have a comprehensive data about the person who is vaccinated, and also can help who are all the persons, those missed the 2nd dose due date and ease of tracing them with the help of RFID tag. more  
Decision on taking the vaccine will be based on various factors. No vaccines have been approved except that one has been recommended by the experts committee for emergency use. more  
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