connecting trains

Sometimes we may not have direct trains from one destination to another destination. But there may be connecting trains available in some intermediate stations. And the irony is for most of the connecting trains the time of departure is earlier to the arrival of the other trains from which the passenger can connect. In short the passenger may not be able to catch the connecting trains in most of the cases and is put in a miserable condition, which will get worsened if he comes with a family or has to attend an interview or something like that. In many of the cases the passenger miss the connecting train just by a few minutes, because the departure is scheduled like that without taking into account the imminent arrival of a train. A rule is to be made that all connecting trains must start at least 30 minutes later than the time of arrival of the other train. After all, the railways is only for the benefit of its passengers. I hope more people will agree with me. Let the Railway authorities think and act with compassion in their mind. more  

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The connecting train should start after 30- minutes of Dep. of arriving the main train or If it is late then it should be delayed by 10- 15 minutes. The Main train should take on same platform where at another end the connecting train is standing. It will help passengers to catach the train in short time. Besides this , rly should ply the superfast Passengers trains in some Sections by hourly basis. it will reduce the Burden on Main train , crowding travelling in other classes forcibly. Also Deployment of TTE in Each train , 1- TTE for 6- coaches keep as a compulsion & his seats make FIX & paint or marked with Sign to understand the travellers his presence. the instant or emergency travellers can approached him for berts / tickets . It will be extra income for Rly. As such TTE Never sits on their seats , they will find either in 1 st AC or 2 nd AC. more  
In the best interest of the travelling public, the Railways must schedule departure timings of all connecting trains only after atleast half an hour after the arrival of the imminent arriving trains. more  
some decades back the train time tables were prepared in such a way that people are able to get the connecting train.But now it has been given a go by.If you find buses in Tamil nadu they display their connection to various destinations in their display board.and further they go in such a way that the people get the rquired connection.I have seen that the drives used to blow the horn continuously to advise the bus to wait as there are paasengers for further onward journey.The rly can display this in the station itself that connecting train service is available for the particular train from the particular station.They lack commercial sense unlike the PVT bus operaters. more  
At the first starting point of the journey it self ticket shall be issued and the connecting trains shall be informed in total ...... ie 2 or 3 trains....... to make a convenient of the passengeair more  
Does it require an Emergency like Indira Gandhi promulgated in 1975, for the trains to run in time? more  
With the timelines followed and human interventions in the operations of our Railways, regulating train timings to connect at a certain stations is not possible. more  
This approach is not for family people.families should go for direct trains.single males can plan the journey by connecting trains.good luck. a.sambasivam. more  
Many a time although there are connecting trains we find the timing of train arrivals at our boarding point are odd and we are forced to plan for travel by two trains. more  
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