Demonetization effect needs urgent ATTENTION

8.11.2016 Demonetization of 500 & 1000 Notes revealed a lot many Cases to be Assessed, Proved and Seized .
A. 3.68 Lakh Crores worth deposited above Exemption limit and to those non operating Accounts be in numerous number to be Assessed, Proved and Seized if found as Concealed Black Money which may include Zero Balance A/cs.
B. 17.73 Lakhs suspicious Cases which are identified are different from ‘A’ and is belonging to the suspicious transfers / deposits into new Accounts .
C. 2.24 Lakh Shell Companies are believed to be served with notices and may comprise those set-in/set-out Bank Transfers .
THE NUMBER OF CASES TO BE DEALT ON ACCOUNT OF THESE A, B, C naturally take time . But, if these individuals and Institutions do not disclose the Facts of their income of such heavy amounts, WILL TAKE DECADES AS IS UNDERSTOOD ON THE Financial Crimes being pending in ACB, CBI, & OTHER COURTS SINCE LAST ONE AND HALF DECADE S .
This nature and guarding of the Culprits without implementing the Scientific System of making them to SPEAK TRUTH, will TOTALLY RUIN THE WHOLE ISSUE, THE NATION, AND, THE POOR GENERAL PUBLIC THOSE DEPRIVED OF EDUCATION AND EARNING OPPORTUNITIES even through Agriculture based Economy .
There is a dedicated necessity of imbibing National Interest, Public Interest at the concept of National Integrity in the Bodies of Law & Order, Accounts & Audit , Executive and , the Justified Judiciary please . more  

Today, CBI caught one swildled 1000 Crores & another 5800 Crores . Two individuals while 46% illiterates, even Striving for life lead. since 1 &1/2 decades a Million dead and Millions starving for food and or education . INDEED, THIS SITUATION AFTER 6 DECADES GROSSLY DEFAMED THOSE SACRIFICED THEIR WEALTH AND SOULS FOR INDEPENDENT RULE . My Father's Cousin undergone 6 years imprisonment in 4 times while he participated from Krishna District, Gudiwada in the QUIT INDIA MOVEMENT . more  
Hello ! Csn Sarma (socialworker) , Sir , Your thought of " Demonetization effect needs urgent ATTENTION " is somewhat sort of haste-thing . Drawing from our own Wisdom such as Rome is not built in a day & Castles in the air are day-dreams , I exhort you to recall that the family name of Julius Caesar and of the next eleven rulers of Rome, who were Emperors ! Julius Caesar was back-stabbed by his confidant , Brutus the Great ! This Government @ Modiji is right-royal in Democratic System of Governance to stamp out the evilsome black-economy from the public minds to conduct oneself white & clean in the heart through Demonetization Drills . The results are already afloat . So , not to take any more tension . Economics Research , Reports Studies and Black Money Scenario all over India are poised for the best days to come and yet , Institutions are yielding to the efforts of the Central Government day and night . more  
1. Sure we and the general public are in the best paved path with the demonetization thus to secure Socialistic Economic Democracy and could be achieved the planned program of Treasuring the GOI for the successful goal .

2. Besides, it is necessary to ground route the method of Cash transactions limit & Fast implementation of Bank through and Card Based transaction system in Trade .

THESE TWO WILL SUPPORT NDA Rule AS WELL AS BRING IN THE REALISTIC DEMOCRATIC ECONOMIC SYSTEM WHERE BY the general public realize the facts and realities in this dedicated rule which is necessary since just ONE AND HALF YEARS ONLY left for Elections amidst the diluting tactics of differently interested political parties . more  
Where does India stand in the index of corrupt countries . Eradication of corruption is the biggest challenge for the country . Corrupts are hawks and donot leave traces and can get away by using the innocents . Black money is being stashed in safe heavens and Govt cannot do anything .Share markets are manipulated and Govt cannot do anything . Gold smuggling is taking place . Govt should keep governance and policy making in its hands . Industry should be kept in private domain . Education upto 12th should be made free for all . Employment generation should be given more attention . Skilling be imparted on the basis of capability . Merit be given preference . Reservation should only be in III &IV classes . more  
Our IAS, IPS, IRS, IFS, ACAs Govt. Staff of Taxation & Revenue have Biggest role now Treasuring GOI. more  
Thanks .Good reminder to the government hasten cases of economic offences and hoarding of black money .Before next election we need the result ,otherwise it will drag on for decades. more  
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