Do not let Modi's great Image a little bit down...We need him as PM for Ever..

1. Our Internal security should improve. Fetch up illegal Arms and ammunition and seal. Any anti-national activity and personal involved in that to be behind the bars in 100 days time. The persons who supports the terror elements is our real danger.
2. No Indians want to hear people are killed by Naxal activities or maoist activities. Very strict action is a need to eliminate these kind of attacks which make morale of common man low.
3. Southern states of India is most vulnerable to anti India elements. Still a big majority party of parliament is considered as communal in these states. The root cause is the elements which spreads fear to the common man. So this is the time to change them and get the supports of common man. Make steps to change south India. At the moment. only Prime minister Modi’s direct involvement can make it come true. They will surely change..Let us spread this message.”Religious conversion is not the way to develop India. Faith in your religion only required to develop India. So concentrate all brains to develop India , don’t waste power of brain in Religious conversions”… This idea may workout…
4. All around Indian land, and Our Sea faces should have better guard to ensure a threat by the way of sea can be sealed. Maritime security is a must..this should be a high priority to get the goal of real development.
5. Common man is hesitating to approach Govt. departments, Police, Courts, etc... Actions are required to improve faith in these departments and a transparent guidelines is required to improve the faith in all the above departments , This also will help any common man to hint any security threat to the top officials. Email system and track system to be in line to develop the relations with common man.
6. Safety on roads to be a high priority. Implement strict rules and regulation for road safety, safety of walkers on roads.. Now a days rules have loop holes to escape anyone if do any crime on road. So seal the loop holes and keep the value of life of person who walks on the road is high. Pedestrians, signals, way of driving, etc..should need attention…Traffic police, RTO etc has to play a big role in this. Attempt to change the way of motorist is required, not simply fining them..
7. Youngsters has to leave their hometown and live in city of other states for their living. A strict rule is a must to protect all. Any Indian can work and live in any city .. Action should be there in the plan , not to repeat any issue between the state migrants or people. Let us spread the unity by keeping morale of all youngsters high…. We are one ..Let us build India together…
8. Email system which can connect any common man to PM’s office or connected department to implement and id’s to make public so that a real India vision can be achieved and get common man connected to high officials.
9. Spread the message” Politics is not the place to make money” It is the place to do seva” Those who can become a “swayam sevak” they only has to get in to politics. Now a days politicians attitude is he can do anything with his power and by-pass any law in his favour. This should change. For this, clean our politics from criminals and under worlds…
10. Very strict and quick action is a must in any crime against women in this country. Let a women brigade to come up and pass the message “ India is not safe till womens are safe” Let our mothers, sisters and daughters be well safe and secure in all the days ahead…Let a women brigade come up to attend all issues on that… more  

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Terror activities are due to that reason that they get finance and Weapons easily, the best way to control such activities is that by internal source get the information from which source they get money and weapons, and break such sources , automatically terror activities will be controlled, such as If some trade are paying donations to such terrorist, nationalise such trade. Maheshjani On Saturday, May 17, 2014 7:51 PM, Ananda Bhakthan wrote: more  
Corruption free society sounds very good but to ensure corruption free India, single most important parameter is to investigate in depth reasons for delay in compliance. Most often, it has been seen that persons in power some time do not ask for bribe but create circumstances like delay in approval, delay in payment or asking for irrelevant details etc. So, this attitude of officials lead to corruption. Best option should be to hold officials responsible for causing such delays. What action or steps have been taken to wards compliance of rules. Onus to prove innocence should be with officials. This may help to minimize corruption. more  
Let us not blame any single party, our moto should be clean and clear corrution free system in any party government. more  
During congress rule, accusation in the name of communal, secular or non secular had become daily affair. This has been done to spread wrong message to minorities on one side and exploiting national sentiments for votes. Now, Modi must stop this malicious propaganda. This can be simply done by refusing to open any dialogue with people who indulge in such divisive issues. Our laws should be given some teeth to punish such people who spread wrong malicious propaganda. Political leaders should desist from talking on caste or religion lines even on TV channels but must focus on national issues like poverty, unemployment, delays in projects or reforms, economic issues etc. more  
Yes in last 70 years he is the one who has India First in Thought and Action, we cannot afford to loose him. more  
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