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Unable to view the photo. Invalid sever certificate RKRPILLAI On 5/23/14, BJP Communication Cell wrote: > more  
I think Upper economical class ( based on income) should contribute a fraction of their income to sponsor a rural village of their choice .Implement volunteer system and internships for collage bound students for social welfare.Democracy means not only freedom of the people but also equal responsibility of all.This will lessen the burden on Govt treasure.------------Krupa Mahajan Colorado USA On Fri, May 23, 2014 at 1:13 AM, BJP Communication Cell < support@localcirclesmail.com> wrote: > more  
1. It is important to invest in and promote small and medium scale manufacturing capabilities. In places like Noida (which is the "cashcow" for the UP State Govt), small and medium scale manufacturers have made repeated representations to the State Govt to help improve the power situation, but to no avail. Regardless of the BJP's equation with the SP Govt, it would help if concrete steps are taken to help these entrepreneurs who create jobs and revenue. 2. Please focus on improving industry-institution collaboration to ensure that intellectual property created in Universities is put to commercial use. It would help if small and medium scale manufacturers have the first right of access to such IP since they do not have the resources to invest in IP creation. Please create grants for investment in innovation and creation of IP by SMEs. 3. In times of recession, one of the few countries to have done well is Germany thanks to its emphasis on research, innovation and IP. Please read the 2009 report commissioned by the German Government titled "Research, Innovation and Technological Performance in Germany". http://www.e-fi.de/fileadmin/Gutachten/2009_engl_kurz.pdf. This report is a must-read for any economy which aspires to become an innovation-driven economy. 4. The Internet Economy is one of the major revenue-churners for countries like India. Please remove obstacles to the growth of this economy. One of the key obstacles is the Intermediary Guidelines, 2011 which contains draconian "take-down" provisions that severely hamper e-commerce. Apart from constitutional illegalities, these rules are a deterrent for anyone who wishes to invest in e-commerce. These rules have been universally criticized for their anti-business provisions and for stifling free speech. On Fri, May 23, 2014 at 12:33 PM, BJP Communication Cell < support@localcirclesmail.com> wrote: > more  
WHERE IS THE ATTACHMENT ?? From: support@localcirclesmail.com To: cpb_cpb@hotmail.com Subject: New picture "Enable others to Particip..." in [Transform India with Narendra Modi] Date: Fri, 23 May 2014 07:01:21 +0000 more  
Sir, Let us promote the idea of 'each person own and groom one tree such that a family of five would grow & maintain five trees. These trees could be at home, on farm, private land, wasteland, any where and could be of any specie forest trees, fruit trees, flowering trees, etc. NaMo may include this message in his public addrrsses. 100crore trees would mean 25lac ha equivalent land under trees i.e. about 6% of india's geographical area. In two years flat, our forest cover will match ideally desired 33% area under trees - all with people's participation and near nil burden on exchequer. Best Deepinder mohan 9227200670 Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android more  
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