Essential New Subjects for development of Nation

1. Alternative Energies - Focus on Grid Connected Rooftop Solar Power Production (Includes potential rural households).
2. Kitchen gardening - Water sufficient rural households.
3. Introduction of New technologies like Aquaponics, Hydroponics.
4. Rainwater harvesting - Making it mandatory is essential.
5. Solid wastes management.
6. ‘Learn Sanskrit & Indian Culture’ a new adoption at all elementary schools in all states. Apart from Hindi as the National Language.
7. Progressive Elaboration in transforming caste base to Economic categorization of people at all sectors is essential.
8. Adoption of Needy Villages by Big Business houses (based on a mimimum turnover of the Organization(500 croes & above organizations) for total Development based on pre-prepared Model by Experts.
9. Cross Connectivity of Golden Quadrangle surface transport & Rail Transports.
10. Air connectivity to each district head quarters in the country.
11. Development & Utilization of Water transportation all along the coastal line of India. With top priority to renovation of existing Buckingham Canal from Chennai to machilipatnam, extending the same to Kolkata. Apart from surface transportation, tourism can be equally developed along the coastal line. Same can be implemented connecting, Chennai coast, cape-cameron, mangalore, Karwar, Mumbai & end at Gujarat.
12. Fast track Bullet trains and 8 lane roads can be an added advantage along the coast line.
13. Think of separating Logistics lines separated from regular passenger traffic.
14. Linking of rivers with barrages at all possible locations and add to natural flow surface irrigation or Lift irrigation facilities. Introduce advanced technologies in drip irrigation.
15. Exposure of agriculture & its advantages by moving capable potential farmers from places like Andhra Pradesh, Haryana, Maharastra & Punjab to other needy states to provide modelling in adopting agriculture techniques. For example, I have observed, Koraput district in Odisha is marked as a backward area. In-fact, there is a lot of potential in this area for Horticulture & exports. It can be converted to a Golden district of the state.
16. Apponiting IAS officers, and making all other technically qualified people to work under them is a drawback in the country's developmenet. An IAS officer (District collector) should take suggestions from the subject matter experts, before taking any decisions. This is very important factor to be considered.
17. Central Govt. should think of preparing an independent team of subject matter experts, wherever they are located in the country. They need not be located at Delhi alone, there services can be tapped from wherever they are located. Utilization of services of subject matter experts will always have a positive impact on the country’s total development.
18. Why not a retirement age to politicians. Let them be consultants, if any persons service is so essential (Like Shri.Advani Sab by BJP).
19. Let us think of the Services by Defence sectors - Why not thier services be utilized in infrastructure development of the country at locations wherever they are located, why not their services be utilized for elimination of terrorism at places near to them.
20. Why not Politicians move into their constituencies on a regular basis with a fixed schedules to find out the needs of the people by interacting with them and coming out with some possitive solutions.
21. Need of Vacational Training Institutes (full scale) one at each district of this country, to develop the skills of people & make them productive. This helps lot of rural illiterate youth, who can be converted to productive core of the country.
22. Networking of Products database at each district, each district connected at the state level, and all the states conected with each other state, will have a definite useful information on utilizing the National products produced with an effective Markting of the Products, reduce the so-called middlemen and supply to the consumer at a very reasonable price, of-course always protecting the interests of the Product producer. Let the product be an essential product or a Luxury products like cosmetics.

I may add few more, when it strikes my mind. For any clarifications, you are welcome to contact me.

VBR Prasad more  

All your points are good. But I guess "8 lane roads" needs reconsideration. Road transportation is one of the most inefficient mode. Trains are 3-4 times more efficient. India pays about $150 billion in oil import per year. However every village should be connected with one paved road, absolutely necessary. Need of Vocational Training Institutes - fully agree! We have huge shortage of skilled workers and millions without jobs and it's getting worse. more  
Energy generation and consumption should be taken up as a Topic for analysis and solutions more  
I too agree.Helping rural communities in farming vegetables and fruits ,tranpotation and marketing like amul pattern milk coops will benefit both producers and consumers. more  
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