Farmers or Agitators

The so called farmers have said NO to the Govt proposal and are threatening to cause disruption in different parts of Delhi and India. This is ridiculous. Attached is what the govt has proposed which is as good as repealing the farm laws.

1. States can impose taxes/fees in pvt trade areas to maintain parity with regulated APMC mandis

2. States can frame rules to register pvt traders... (now the law says anyone with a PAN card can buy from farmers)

3. For dispute resolution, farmers can approach civil courts (now limited to dist authorities)

4. Land related provisions cannot be written into contract with companies.. to prevent auction of farm lands

5. Centre will give written assurance on continuing with existing MSP procurement regime

6. Govt will resolve farmers' concerns on stubble burning

7. Electricity amendment bill will not tinker with existing subsidy regime for farmers

The proposal is a big climb down on part of the govt.

Imagine if govt agreed to repeal all we will see protests in this country. more  

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The 3 Bills befit real Agrl. Land Owners removing Controls of Agencies, Contractors, Businessmen Who have been SWALLOWING the margin between Farmers' Sale Price and Retail Price for End Users. Agitations created, funded and carried by the MEDIATING AGENCIES WHO HAD NEXUS WITH POLITICIANS . Adament attitude demanding Repeal of 2020 Farm Laws is quite unjustified. JUSTICE TO BE CONCLUDED BY JUDICIARY ONLY . more  
State Politicians depriving Rights of Article 19 to Farmers more  
Probably, many might have not seen and heard this morning's Interview of Union Finance Minister Smt. Nirmala Sitaraman on the TV India Today Channel . I followed the program of interviewed 'Questions & Replies' in coordination with rapt attention . For your information, let me tell you there is no justifiable cause from the farmers side against the New Farm Laws/Bills. It is evident to me in my mind that the Farmers are either politically motivated or purposelessly impatient when the economy is legally safe in the hands of our Union Finance Minister recovering from the passing away pandemic . Moving Courts-of-Law amounts to stampeding the Constitutional Rights of the ruling BJP Party to erode BJP's Assertiveness and Authority in matters of Farmers' interests /Benefits. In fact , Farmers are indulging in national waste of time and energy with a narrow mind for astrological gains. more  
Satvik-ji, Keep in mind that one of the main point of contention is to include MSP in the law instead of simply as a rule or directive. That has not yet been accepted by GoI. more  
CM Amrinder, All agitators (are middleman) will lose their brokerage/cut of Rs.10,000 crore per year when APMC rules are dismantled. Agitators were paid Rs.5000 for 1-week agitation + food. Anyway state of Punjab has repealed the act, then why are Punjabis agitating ? more  
Agri Land-Owners shall come out from clutches of Contractors, Agencies, Distilary Corporates ; Fertilisers Pesticides Seeds adulterators .
GOI AND SC TO WORK ON THESE LINES Honouring Articles 19 , 12 read with the Life Article 21. more  
The real farmers are still working in their fields and its only the Political parties for the sake of their Votes are shamelessly taking support of the Ant-National Khaistanis as well as Left Maoists and fooling around the farmers. Its actually the Commission Agents + Their Political Masters like KHANgress +NCP + Akalis + SP etc. are playing dirty games in the name of farmers. more  
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