Festival Season SOP

Seems like Health Ministry officials are in the circle. Vinita Agarwal you raised the issue of needing festive season SOP so covid doesnt propagate as people go out and meet each other. And here is attached the health ministry has released that SOP. We should all look at it and share our inputs with the Govt.

It needs to be made practical and implementable otherwise it will be just another document. more  

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If we would use our own common sense, then there would be no need for any kind of SOPs..... which we would not follow anyway..... more  
Mr. Wala is right. Nobody follows the norms nor do the police enforce them. We have a large number of slum dwellers near our house who roam around shouting and creating havoc without masks, spitting on the road and what not. So how can we say that these measures will control the disease. If after the Ganesh festival there were much more cases, after Dussehra and Diwali how many more will there be? I think the government should not allow any festivities at all for sometime more. more  
- Can we promote online buying for example. Give small scale and medium size businesses extra sops or help them promote their business online instead of putting up stalls at events. - Have online events - we have very talented youngsters who can help businesses display their wares attractively and make it interactive so the customer feels he/she is walking through the stall and can then place their order online. - Make delivery more viable, accessible and affordable. - Reduce the number of stalls and the number of people who can enter at any point of time. - Make event organizations responsible for ensuring that their is adequate tests and precautions taken. - Have more events but smaller events at more places at the same time. So reduce the number of people all gathering at one event. - Police and govt can do only so much. If people do not follow guidelines and take precautions there is nothing anyone can do. Having said that the govt needs to ensure that the organizers are informed of the penalty if they don't follow atleast their rules. Maybe a large deposit that can will be held towards penalty if they don't comply. - more  
This is profitable to both Seller and Customer more  
It is better to sit at instead of following these useless SOP's because it is not going to be helpful as we are not fighting a new virus we are fighting a virus which has its existence before the evolution of human and it is present today and it will be present in future just the whole world has has been whirled into a SCAM which is knows as Corona Scandal. Already the economy of the country has been destroyed now the coming festive season is a blessing to all traders small shopkeepers, unorganized vendors and because of these festive they earn something good or reasonable which brings happiness and joy to the most poor family or individual family but this year and coming year we do no expect that. Today health ministry has announced 64 types of Ayurveda medicine which can be immunity prone and can be easily defeat corona virus so my question to government is that "what took government to decide and promote Ayurveda after destroying the growth and economy of our country due to lock down" why government did not promote Ayurveda when this virus was noticed first in December-19? Why Union health minister did not approve Ayurveda treatment (which is the natural and oldest form of cure for Indian culture) when Dr. Vishwaroop Roy Chaudhary met Mr. Harshvardhan During May-20 and insisted him not to create havoc between the people and promote Ayurveda from print electronics and web media? more  
SOPs and notifications are meaningless as even ruling political party does not follow them. There is practically no controlling authority. People are moving without mask, no action is being taken. Only self regulated actions like wearing mask, keeping safe distance, etc. can prevent one from infection. more  
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