Frequent accidents

Attached contact numbers if someone in your faamily was in utkal express that had accident last evening.

My message to Suresh Prabhu sir is sir many accidents have happened in last 3 years. You keep managing media and send milk for crying children.

Please leave these activites aside and focus on improving the core sir. You need to redploy so much extra staff u have in railways properly, reduce corruption. None of that happening.

Every white collar railway officer should be in such circles and understanding problems on ground. Driver working conditions to be improved sir. How are u ensuring they are not having drinks on the way.

Please sir. You started on right path in year 1 but have lost your way. Please get back on track in next 12 months.

Jai Hind

My brother spent 6 hours yesterday helping with rescue efforts at accident site. more  

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Railways downsize essential staff strength but keep the compliment in their offices. Suresh Prabhu was the first minister who could act against erring officers but lost his job within a week. more  
Most of the workers are not doing the job with proper care and responsibility. On Aug 20, 2017 7:45 AM, "Aslam Khan" wrote: > more  
To Media and PMO,It is very surprising that change/improvement system is very slow,in spite of best resources.2.Again it is very surprising that we ,very ordinary , Railwaymen can think and work on some  very important topics,as long as 20-25 years ago,while top Railway men and Railway minister are thinking now and still do not act,as already been done 20-25 years ago.3.Some of important areas where work has already been done 20-25 years ago,are mentioned below-a)Achieving zero accidents and zero casualties,at minimum cost-in 1995-96 ie 22 years ago.b)Redevelopment of important railway stations at minimum cost & minimum time-in 1994-95 ie 23 years agoc)Completion of Railway projects with least cost and time in 1991-92 ie 26 years ago.d)Enhancing mind potential of Railway men,with minimum efforts in 2000 ie 17 years ago.Media and PMO are requested to implement ideas adopted 20-25 years ago in these important areas.Jai Shanker Gupta,Ex Principal Chief Engineer/Railways, From: gupta jai shanker To: ""> Sent: Monday, August 21, 2017 8:29 AM Subject: Re: "Frequent accidents" in [Make Railways Better] Respected citizens,Railway Minister and higher officers do not know and do not have will power for making zero accidents and zero casualities.2.They are doing mainly 3 following,without visible results--i)Issue letter for more inspections,but excess is bad.ii)Sent officers on leave,without going in depth.iii)Demand huge" Money,"without proper application of "Mind,which is Super computer and have unlimited potential.3.Japan is achieving Zero accidents and our Engg team in Moradabad division of Northern Rly also achieved zero accidents in 1995-96 ie long ago,as we found that India is much superior to many ways.4.Accordingly suggestions were sent to Rly ministry many times ,even to present PMO,for zero accidents at nominal cost,bot these are thrown to dustbin,as there does not seem any will power,even at level of present Hon'ble PM& MR.5.Recently,suggestions were again asked by Rly ministry for improvement in Railways.I had given suggestions only on this important field for" Achieving zero accidents and zero casualities at minimum cost".6.Let us hope that good sense touch mind of Hon'ble PM & MR.7.Responsible citizens and media is requested to think,respond and act seriously so that zero accidents can also be achieved in India.Jai Shanker Gupta,IRSE & BE(Civil)-1979,Ex Principal Chief Engineer,Railwaysm-9650391708 From: Aslam Khan To: Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2017 7:46 AM Subject: "Frequent accidents" in [Make Railways Better] more  
Internal discipline and job alertness is most important, then comes your sincerity to the public. Stop unnecessary charges on the passengers in the shape of dynamic fare. more  
This is a very serious issue and desires attention. On Sun, Aug 20, 2017 at 10:58 AM, Aslam Khan wrote: > more  
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