From Center to State mis governance seeps in

See attached 114 ventilators brought under the PM Care fund had been lying unused for over a year at the medical college Firozabad.. finally being distributed to other hospitals in dire need .. but how many of them were actually working no one knows.

This is the typical misgovernance model in India. Central Govt procures by the time it gets to State Govt there is no ownership. Both Center and State Govts fail to keep track and of course the DM of the district fails too.

What should be done to fix this. Who should be fired? more  

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The courts must pass strictures against such state governments, whoever it is, irrespective political parties. Due to soft corner of Courts towards state governments, and soft corner of enforcement agencies towards state governments, Some Jokers are taking undue advantages at state govt., levels, unless this is is not rectified it is very difficult to handle our country... more  
We have been bickering about Centre -State relationship and Federal system of Governance. We expect non co ordination or INDIFFERENCE when different parties rule in the Centre and State 67 new ventilators lying unused at COVID isolation ward in UP's Firozabad - news 9th may 21. This news has already been broadcast Nationwide. But in this case both the Centre and State the same Party is ruling. IF OPPOSITE PARTY IS RULING WILL THE CENTRE BE CAREFUL AND NOT BE NEGLIGENT. Why allow the Judiciery to give directions to the Executives based on P.I.L's .The Court are upto their neck and beyondwhy give chances for P.I.L. at all. It is public money, people are finding it hard to get jobs, payments, business these days . WHO EVER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS WASTEFUL EXPENSE SHOULD RELENT FOR THIS . more  
Not COVID, but need for oxygen, medical facilities and medicines that has killed. Lethality of the virus the same the world over after all, yet, developed countries now have hugely flattened the curve. Deaths, could be over 10s of thousand easily, too hugely understated. People putting posters "Modi ji hamare bachhon ke vaccine videsh kyon bhej diya" tells the full details. Oxygen shipments arriving from donor countries worldwide too. Can government take responsibility, the same way they enjoyed the accolades last year proudly proclaiming that India sailed through the pandemic! more  
In India we initiate a project but do not follow till end. Specially if it is between Centre and States. When it was delivered by Centre then why not any body from State Govt Checked its performance? If states were not able to operate then they should have asked for the help of Centre to provide expertise. In the end States blames Central Govt for its non functioning and precious time is lost. more  
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