HANDLING OF POWER SHORTAGE Production:Nuclear,Thermal,Hydel,Nonconventional

We must have the following points in mind in meeting this crisis as it directly related to Development,employment,growth,
1.All future thermal power stations must be located close to coal belts thereby reducing shortage of fuel and delay in transportation and rly track load reduction.This will facilitate low cost of production.
2.Nuclear reactors to be located near sea cost and with adequate safety and security norms.New township in remote village areas so as to provide employment and development.
3.Solar power equipments need to be subsidized for common man use and for commercial use too.
4.All existing power plants must achieve a plant load factor of 85% and above.
5.Develop new distribution network with quality material and transformers. more  

Thermal power plants are mostly near coal blocks except in those states where coal block is not in existence. We have made a significant progress in non conventional energy and cost is not as high as it was two decades ago. Yes, it's important to misuse power and theft. Distributional channel has got improved a lot but we are still not fully capable to manufacture high end transformers. Hydro power project are now almost non operational. Govt. had encouraged well Solar and Wind energy in last two decades. Present crisis is a created one to benefit selected business tycoons. more  
Current Coal shortage seems to be an artificially created one to facilitate a Businessman who has bought Coal Blocks in Australia to export from there and increase imports - Dollar Payment and pocket handsome profits. Any guesses who the businessman is? Gautam Adani. So there my friends...while the riots, religious frenzy and student community unrest are activated to draw people's focus, silent business transaction take place. more  
Develop solar equipment which can be used in houses in City as well as in Rural Areas. more  
We are moving towards Distributed Generation because of Transmission Losses and locating plants near coal belts will not solve the purpose. We need Distributed Generation across all states. Atleast 50% of the states should be self sufficient and 25% Power surplus in power. We have to tap offshore wind generation (one more avenue still not explored in India). With this government's plan of development, the demand for power is probably going to double if not triple. This is the target we need to work. We have to work to fulfill the needs of tomorrow. Not just the needs of today. It is is lack of vision that is the root cause of all our problems. We are solving today's problems. more  
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