How to make Indian Railway profitable and secure?

a)Everyone using the railway service need to be paid and this needs to be audited. (Currently this is at the worst stage) I believe currently only few people are charged and rest does not pay at all.
Auditing need to be engaged by AGs to ensure data speaks and cameras need to deployed to ensure proper monitoring and tracking.

b)Improve the infrastructure and basic facilities enforcing more people to take the Railway service adhering to law and rules.

c)Study the foreign Railway service infrastructure and organization details and implement the good part effectively. Technology to reduce the energy consumption of railways gaining more profit levels need to be investigated.

d>Analyze why the Railway is in loss. Check each railway division revenue in each state. Analyze whether expense for running the railway transport (OPEX-Operational Expense) is more than the incoming revenue, then the fault is true what i told. Many people just use the service without paying.
Analyze the CaPEX (Capital expense) is more than the OPEX. Then measures for improving the service like energy efficient technologies need to be used.

e>Monitoring and Maintenance:
Implement cams all over the railway stations. Protect the stations with well defined security technology like in Airports.
People who are using the railway service should be issued with a Railway Ruppee card having a chip sign without which they are not allowed to enter the railway station.
Railway Ticket issued should have a chip sign or barcode sign without which no one should be able to enter the train. This will avoid duplicate tickets issued by immoral agencies. These measures help to monitor and track and avoid mis usage of railway leading to massive losses.

f>Please move out all the current railway train models and impose security defined transport train service monitored by military intelligence to provide adequate security and ensure correct usage of trains.

g>Railway Booking system need to be redefined with 4 major servers deployed in all metropolitan cities of India(Mumbai, Chennai, Delhi, Kolkotta ) to make the service more efficient and accessible to people.

h>Additional auxiliary services providing the traditional food of india only by Railways need to be implemented. (not by any private agencies).

i>Trustful organizations like TATA, RELIANCE can be involved for supplying better and trained resources for the administration of security and railway technologies at railway stations. This will avoid employee associations coming into picture which is always a road block.

The above suggestions will make the Railways more productive and profitable providing better service to the people. more  

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