Impact of 7th pay commission: Addl Inputs

As some of you have posted and many are aware that the Railway annual finances will be impactedby INR 28,000 crores with the 7th pay commission implmentation. Below are your suggestions on what Railways can do to offset the impact. Kindly review and if you have additional specific suggestions, please share. We will then share with the Hon'ble Minister and Leadership team.

Suggestions to Offset the impact of 7th pay commission on Railway Finances

1. Cargo functioning should be streamlined to generate more revenue
2. Railway land could be leased out/sold to private companies to raise money
3. Wastage of water and food should be controlled
4. The workforce should be made more efficient to save wastage of money
5. Tonnes of iron scrap lying waste along the tracks across India should be sold off
6. The idle running time of the train engines while on the station or in the yard should be minimised
7. The waiting time of the trains at the outer signals should be avoided
8. Waiting room and retiring rooms should be made paid and the service quality should be increased proportionately
9. The cleaning processed should be mechanised and new hiring for the cleaning department should be suspended
10. The problem of over-staffing in railways should be controlled by freezing the hiring in some departments and making inter-department transfers
11. Railways could open itself up to extensive advertising which could help them earn a lot of revenue
12. All the passes should be converted to tickets and the money should be realized from the ministries
13. Some goods bogies could be attached to the passenger trains too to carry high value courier/urgent shipments
14. Frequency of certain trains on low occupancy routes can be reduced so that rakes are available
15. Roll on and Roll off (RORO) services should be introduced in all major freight corridors. This will result in increased revenue for railways
16. Trains and stations could be named after corporates for a cost
17. Railways could outsource some work to contract employees/companies and not hire on rolls
18. Railway could handover the civil construction & maintenance works to C.P.W.D and save crores of rupees in staff salary
19. Railways should dismantle its vigilance wing & handover it to CBI /state vigilance units with minimal charges which is much lower than its total salary expenditures of its own vigilance staff. more  

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Dear Sir Below I am mentioning some comments for consideration. Indian Railways may note-- Yesterday I was passing by Reading Railway Station. I noticed that the engine was giving out smoke. It was a diesel engine, so it was not surprising. But then why there was overhead electrical lines beyond the station? So to day I tried to see a little seriously. There was no electrical installation in Oxford Railway Station too. I could then notice that at Reading Railway Station the remains of electrical installations. Inference - on the platform the overhead electrical installation has been removed. I could only say (many more reasons could be there), this effort may be to 1. Reduce accidents that could be at overhead subways and other conducting manned ventures. 2. Relieve electrical conjunction on the station. Long back all train towards Mumbai or from Mumbai used to stop at Igatpuri station as the kind of electrical supplies were of different kinds on either sides of Igatpuri station. So some AC/DC engines were deployed. It was not convenient. Hence to day if I propose to withdraw overhead electrical installation from comparatively bigger station as is being done at Railway Stations in UK, one may question its validity. What all I can say is reducing possibility of accident is more important than cost of diesel plus a little addition to pollution. An expert committee may say with more authentically. Sent from my iPad > On 10-Oct-2016, at 07:01, Ministry Of Railways wrote: > > > Find this email inappropriate - Unsubscribe > LocalCircles is now available on iOS and Android. > > Ministry Of Railways > Ministry Of Railways posted a message in "Make Railways Better". > Subject: Preparedness against Terrorism - Addl Inputs. > Below are your inputs on what can be done to better prepare trains and stations for threat of terrorism. Kindly review and if you have any additional specific recommendations, please share the same. We will be sharing this shortly with Minister, Railways and our leadership team. > > Reducing Vulnerability of Railways to Terrorism in the Short Term > > 1. Only passengers with tickets should be allowed entry into the station > Existing railways employees should be trained and re-deployed for ensuring authorized access to station and platform > 2. Bags should be properly screened before entering the station > Checking of the luggage should be more... > Reply Reply to this email to post a comment. > > If you believe that this post is inappropriate for this Circle, report it. > This email was sent to If you don't want to receive emails from LocalCircles in future, please Unsubscribe. > LocalCircles, Inc., 1556 Halford Ave., Suite 290, Santa Clara, CA USA 95051. > 2413, 4th Floor, Tower 2, Express Trade Towers 2, Sector 132, Noida, 201301.Privacy Policy. > more  
All 3 comments above are extremely apt and need serious attention. Firstly passenger traffic nowhere can sustain a railway system. 2ndly, public employees should never live off the revenue generated from the public,but deserve their salaries and perks. When common man is being goaded in to giving up subsidies or the subsidies are being weeded out why the railways and govt employees need to be pampered? Let us scrap the Pay commission ritual. more  
When a pay increase becomes a burden for any organisation then why the same need be implemented. This goes against the natural tenet of survival for natural or artificial persons. more  
Railways can never break even by passenger traffic. Hence steps should be taken to ensure that for freight esp high value freight they are competitive with road transport esp in long distance cargo. more  
What is needed is a legislation to make it mandatory for public servants to deserve any raise in remuneration with matching achievements for the sake of the people, their masters. The system of Pay Commissions is fraught with pitfalls in a corrupt country like India. CKPNair ______ Ministry Of Railways wrote: >---REPLYABOVETHISLINETOPOSTACOMMENT-Findthisemailinappropriate-UnsubscribeLocalCirclesisnowavailableoniOSandAndroid.MinistryOfRailwaysMinistryOfRailwayspostedamessagein"MakeRailwaysBetter".Subject:Impactof7thpaycommission:AddlInputs.AssomeofyouhavepostedandmanyareawarethattheRailwayannualfinanceswillbeimpactedbyINR28,000croreswiththe7thpaycommissionimplmentation.BelowareyoursuggestionsonwhatRailwayscandotooffsettheimpact.Kindlyreviewandifyouhaveadditionalspecificsuggestions,pleaseshare.WewillthensharewiththeHon'bleMinisterandLeadershipteam.SuggestionstoOffsettheimpactof7thpaycommissiononRailwayFinances1.Cargofunctioningshouldbestreamlinedtogeneratemorerevenue2.Railwaylandcouldbeleasedout/soldtoprivatecompaniestoraisemoney3.Wastageofmore...ReplyReplytothisemailtopostacomment.Postedto:IfyoubelievethatthispostisinappropriateforthisCircle,'twanttoreceiveemailsfromLocalCirclesinfuture,pleaseUnsubscribe.LocalCircles,Inc.,1556HalfordAve.,Suite290,SantaClara,CAUSA95051.107UrbtechMatrixTower,PlotNo.B-4,Sector-132,Noida,India,201304.PrivacyPolicy. more  
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